Висше училище по телекомуникации и пощи
By Decision of the National Assembly of May 26, 2015, the College of Telecommunications and Posts was transformed into the Висше училище по телекомуникации и пощи , with subject of activity: training of specialists with higher education in specialties of professional fields "Communication and Computer Engineering" and " Administration and Management".
The Higher School of Telecommunications and Posts is the legal successor of the State Telegraph and Post School, which was founded by decree of Prince Alexander I on December 31, 1881. In 1923, by decree № 60 Tsar Boris III approved a law to open a school for practical and theoretical study of telegraph. and postal service. On March 12, 1941, Tsar Boris III issued a decree approving a law on the State Telegraph and Post School. The main purpose of this school is to prepare officials for the General Directorate of the Ministry of Posts and electricians for the army.
- Sofia
улица Академик Стефан Младенов,1, 1700, Sofia