Canadian Institute of Technology
Canadian Institute of Technology (CIT) also known as “Instituti Kanadez i Teknologjisë” (SHLUP “IKT”), is owned by the company C.I.T. – Albania, which has an Education as its primary activity in Albania. The start-up of this business in Albania originates from a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the company and the Edu Nova Consortium, an experienced Canadian Consortium of Colleges providing education at secondary and University level.
After twelve years of study, the right decision you would make is to get enrolled for your University studies at Canadian Institute of Technology. Here you will find the highest academic standards and a perfect learning environment. You are going to have a life experience, studying at the heart of a dynamic city, like Tirana. Join us, you will love CIT.
Studying in English
CIT teaches in English only, which provides additional benefits without extra costs by improving your English language skills, increasing employment opportunities in the country and giving you access to the international career.
Canadian Curricula
CIT provides programs based on the Canadian Curricula and teaching is delivered based on the best practices of Canadian education system, which empowers graduates with creative, daring, entrepreneurial, inventive skills and love for knowledge.
In the Heart of Tirana
CIT is located in one of the most important towers of Tirana, in a walking distance from main City Square, cultural, recreational and historical places as well as central government institutions. This location will make you have the time of your life, while you are preparing yourself for an exciting career.
Studying Programs
CIT provides Bachelor and Master Degrees. Programs are taught based on Bologna System.
Flexible Learning Path
CIT is a pioneer of flexible learning path taking into consideration the changing needs of education. You will be able to work and study at the same time with the possibility to complete your classwork at any time of the day or in the evening. You can also study part time or full time or alternate them.
Chances to Study in Canada or US
In addition to the use of Canadian Higher Education System, CIT is working on establishing Transfer or Full Affiliation Agreement with Canadian Universities. Our teaching system makes it easy the accreditation of your degree in the US and Canada.
International and Internationally Educated Academic Staff
CIT employs highly qualified faculty members, combining foreign and Albanian citizens with an international education background and professional experience in the classes they teach. CIT takes a personal approach to education. At CIT students and professors are more than a team, both in pursuit of continuous and advanced knowledge. CIT offers the advantages of a close, caring small university atmosphere combined with in-depth academically oriented research.
Vision, Mission and Essential purpose of the Institute
Vision: Canadian Institute of Technology is committed to developing in the student educational and professional ethical spirit, critical thinking, analytical and problem-solving skills, creativity, innovation and leadership. Mission: Canadian Institute of Technology is among the few Universities of Albania teaching in English, committed to preparing its graduates who are able to develop values, skills and knowledge that they need to shape their lives, careers, and societies. To accomplish this, Canadian Institute of Technology will offer high-quality undergraduate, graduate and continuing education programs, and promote research activities that serve local and regional needs. Commitments: Canadian Institute of Technology expresses its commitments to its mission by pursuing the following goals:
- To offer excellent teaching programs in selected areas
- To attract qualified Faculty and staff and provide them with safe and supportive work environment
- To produce graduates who are independent, confident, self-directed and persistent to achieve their personal goals.
- To prepare career-oriented graduates who are innovative, critical thinkers, and long-life learners.
- To develop socially responsible graduates who are receptive to changing community needs, and respectful of noble local and global values.
- To present adequate support and care for students.
- To provide a teaching-learning environment within state-of-the-art educational facilities.
- To encourage research endeavours and link them to community and society needs.
The essential purpose of the institute:
- A bridge to Canadian Education.
- A bridge to another internationally recognized Universities.
- An efficient academic institution developing skillful and knowledgeable graduates
- An efficient RDC-centered academic institution
- Adopting a continuous improvement strategy
- An internationally recognized Institute, with academic credits transferable to North-American academic institutions.
- Making world-class education affordable
- Offering education and conducting RDC by highly qualified faculty from internationally recognized universities
- Offering relevant program meeting Albania’s needs.
- Program standards and objectives based on measurable program and course outcomes.
- Contributing to and disseminating knowledge in Albania and beyond.
- Offering Continuing Education, including Corporate Training, community leadership, and lifelong learning.
- Working in complementariness and cooperation with other universities rather than in unhealthy competition
Canadian Institute of Technology (CIT) also known as “Instituti Kanadez I Teknologjisë” (SHLUP “IKT”), is owned by the company C.I.T. – Albania, which has an Education as its primary activity in Albania. The start-up of this business in Albania originates from a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the company and the Edu Nova Consortium, an experienced Canadian Consortium of Colleges providing education at secondary and University level. Based on that, the opening of business in Albania was prepared and further twining and partnership forms of cooperation with Canadian institutions operating in the research, science and education areas are in progress. On October 2012, a comprehensive cooperation agreement was signed between CIT and Globe University, USA, which shall be materialized with academic and student exchange programs as well as student transfer and mutual recognition of programs. CIT delivers teaching programs in English and its curricula meet requirements and standards of higher education in USA and Canada. Teaching at CIT is delivered in convenient premises and from a highly qualified academic staff. The latter is comprised of professors graduated and with teaching experience from abroad, and foreign professors and engineers, mainly from USA and Canada, who have experience in the development and implementation of Business and Information Technology. CIT premises are at Zayed Center, which is located at the heart of the Albanian Capital city, Tirana. The Center has sufficient and convenient premises for students and professors. CIT has a total surface of 2300 meter square, which means 11.9 m2/student.
CIT History
Canadian Institute of Technology was established in November 2011. Canadian Institute of Technology’s philosophy is to offer and equip students with highly qualitative education and skills for the Albanian and USA/Canada working environment. The curricula exclusively in English assures CIT to make use of the most updated education materials, fulfilling its philosophy towards the students in their pursuit of knowledge and professionalism, essential for the working environments respectively in Albania and USA/Canada. The establishment of this University originates from a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the company and the Edu Nova Consortium, an experienced Canadian Consortium of Colleges providing education at secondary and University level. Based on that, the opening of the Canadian Institute of Technology in Albania was prepared and further twining and partnership forms of cooperation with Canadian institutions operating in the research, science and education areas are in progress. The University started operating from the very first year of its licensing and the programs CIT offered were Bachelor programs under the: School of Business
- Business and Administration
- Business Administration and Information Systems
School of Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
On October 2012 Canadian Institute of Technology is licensed to offer Professional and Scientific Master programs in:
- Industrial Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Business and Administration
Also on October 2012, a comprehensive cooperation agreement was signed between CIT and Globe University, USA, which shall be materialized with academic and student exchange programs as well as student transfer and mutual recognition of programs. CIT in the way of fulfilling its philosophy organized different international conferences:
- On November 2012, CIT organized “Technological Albania on the hundred anniversary of Independence”
- On April 2013 CIT organized “International Conference on Sustainable Development”
- On May 2013 CIT organized “Nation, Nationality, Nationhood: What is in a name”