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Catholic University Santo Toribio De Mogrovejo


The Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Catholic University (USAT) is a university promoted and sponsored by the Bishopric of Chiclayo, in the department of Lambayeque, Peru. It was founded by Bishop Ignacio María de Orbegozo y Goicoechea in 1998 and is a permanent, non-profit, private law university at the service of the community.

The Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Catholic University (USAT) is a university promoted and sponsored by the Bishopric of Chiclayo, in the department of Lambayeque, Peru.

It was founded by Bishop Ignacio María de Orbegozo y Goicoechea in 1998 and is a permanent, non-profit, private law university at the service of the community.

The main purpose of the USAT is to achieve a synthesis between faith and culture, which leads to the integral formation of people, and the development of society. Its university community is made up of professors, students, and graduates, dedicated to the study, research, and dissemination of the truth.

In this sense, the university trains professionals and people who demonstrate, at all times and in all areas, respect for the human person and their freedom, with tolerance and the capacity for dialogue; love of wisdom, learning to share, and teaching with humility; and passion for research, being contemplative and profound in their university work.

This Lambayecan university opens its doors to all who share its goals and to those who make the principles that inspire it their own.

  • José Leonardo Ortiz District

    Avenida Augusto B. Leguia,2598, 14002, José Leonardo Ortiz District



    Catholic University Santo Toribio De Mogrovejo