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Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University


Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University is a free and open private higher education and scientific research institution, founded according to the principle of private property, guaranteed by the Constitution. "Dimitrie Cantemir" Independent University.

Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University is a free and open private higher education and scientific research institution, founded according to the principle of private property, guaranteed by the Constitution. "Dimitrie Cantemir" Independent University. The University operates under the auspices of the "Dimitrie Cantemir" Cultural Association. The University undertakes other activities which are related or complementary to the education and research activities.

As part of the Romanian university education tradition, the University contributes to young people's scientific, professional and civic training, to their social and economic integration and higher education graduates lifelong learning. Through its activities, the University has contributed to harmonising the educational process in Romania with those of prestigious European and international universities. “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University operates in compliance with the Romanian Constitution and legislation in force and with the principles laid down in the international treaties and pacts on human rights, in the Magna Charta of European Universities and the Bologna Declaration. The education and scientific research processes are organised and undertaken in compliance with the principles of university autonomy, of the University Charter, and with the higher education system's requirements.

  • Bucharest

    Splaiul Unirii,176, , Bucharest



    Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University