From the moment you join an EIT-Labelled master’s program in the EIT RawMaterials Academy - AMIS, you are eligible to join EIT RawMaterials Alumni. This organization provides a great opportunity to network with past and present participants in the many and varied EIT RawMaterials activities, such as business idea competitions, start-ups, professional development courses, and Master's and Ph.D. programs. It is run by and for its members, who can benefit from events, career development and educational activities, and much more, forming a hub for a diverse range of raw materials students, academics, and professionals. Furthermore, the EIT RawMaterials Alumni provides you with a connection to the wider EIT Alumni community and alumni events around Europe.
EIT RawMaterials Academy - AMIS
EIT RawMaterials Academy - AMIS offers students a unique opportunity to learn in a dynamic environment, focusing on real-life challenges. Awarded by the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology), a body of the European Union, the EIT Label is a certificate of quality that is granted only to excellent educational programs at the master and doctoral level.
Our modern lifestyle relies on raw materials. From the iron and steel of our railway infrastructure to the gold and silver in the circuitry of smartphones: raw materials are everywhere. Even the transition to a climate-neutral future requires cobalt for electric vehicles, lithium for rechargeable batteries, silicon for photovoltaics and solar panels, and rare earth elements for wind turbines that generate renewable energy
As the world grows smaller and more hyper-connected, the impact of society on the Earth has never been more visible. It is now clear that we need to shift to a circular economy to responsibly use the Earth’s finite resources. But what can just one individual do to help? More than you think! Real change requires courage, innovative thinking, and collective action – the same skill set that EIT RawMaterials Academy - AMIS looks for in prospective students. Are you ready to mine your raw talent, help shape a more circular, green economy, and create sustainable solutions for tomorrow?
What do we offer students?
EIT RawMaterials Academy - AMIS offers students a unique opportunity to learn in a dynamic environment, focusing on real-life challenges. Awarded by the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology), a body of the European Union, the EIT Label is a certificate of quality that is granted only to excellent educational programs at the master's and doctoral levels.
As a student of an EIT-Labelled program from EIT RawMaterials Academy - AMIS, you’ll be part of the largest European raw materials network with more than 120 core and associate partners and 180 project partners, including higher education professionals, researchers, and industry experts from over 20 European countries. As an EIT Label student, you will be welcomed into this network. You will champion and contribute to the EIT RawMaterials goals of finding new, innovative solutions to secure the sustainable supply of raw materials across the value chain: from exploration, mining, and extraction, to mineral processing, recycling, and the movement toward a circular economy. EIT RawMaterials aims to equip a new generation of innovators in Europe with the necessary entrepreneurial mindset for designing and delivering materials solutions. You’ll also get to collaborate internationally and develop sustainable solutions to pressing economic, environmental, and societal challenges. And long after you graduate, you can stay connected via EIT RawMaterials Alumni.
What to expect?
- Thesis internship placements at leading European companies
- Membership of the EIT RawMaterials Alumni community
- ‘Learning by doing’ with challenge-based courses that focus on real-life problems
- Study tours and visits to innovative companies and industrial sites
- Exciting new ways of learning: online courses, virtual and augmented reality, and MOOCs
- Courses designed to nurture start-up ideas with accelerators and incubators
- Course modules dedicated to entrepreneurship and innovation skills
- EIT RawMaterials Innovation support: business plan competitions, innovation boot camps, seed funding
- Expertise in a raw materials discipline – a comprehensive understanding of the entire raw materials value chain
- EIT RawMaterials summer schools and interdisciplinary courses
- European mobility – a study in at least two European countries
Exclusive activities and support for EIT-Labelled students
Students in EIT-Labelled master’s programs within the EIT RawMaterials Academy - AMIS receive a range of additional opportunities to boost their innovation and entrepreneurship skills, grow their network in the raw materials sector, and gain the experience they need to thrive.
These exclusive events bring together EIT-labelled students from across the Master School and form the basis of your shared learning experiences, making you a full member of the EIT RawMaterials community.
Participating Universities
- Aalto university
- Riga technical university
- Grenoble INP - Phelma
- Technische Universitat Darmstadt
- Liege Universite
Campus Features
Do you have a raw materials business idea?
EIT RawMaterials offers a range of support for individuals and companies with innovative business ideas, including:
- Pre-Jumpstarter Workshop
This exclusive event for students on the EIT RawMaterials Academy Labelled master’s programs offers support to develop your thinking around a start-up idea and, in particular, to prepare you to apply to the EIT Jumpstarter. - EIT Jumpstarter
One of Europe’s top pre-accelerator programs, to help you develop your business idea and understand what’s needed to create a successful startup. - Booster call
Financial and network access support for start-ups and SMEs in the raw materials sector. - EIT RawMaterials Accelerator
A three-stage accelerator program to help start-ups with a developed product to bring their solution to the market
Alumni Statistics
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