Erasmus Mundus European Master in Archeological Materials Science (ARCHMAT)
The aim of this program is to provide students with specialized skills in archaeology and analytical characterization of materials from prehistory(Megalithic) to classical times (Greek and Roman). The study and conservation of Cultural Heritage materials is a research area with a strong multidisciplinary connotation and requires skills that span across the Humanities and Science research fields. ARCHMAT provides a common, integrated platform for excellent students coming from either Science or Humanities educational backgrounds to understand the advanced scientific methods used to investigate archaeological materials and aims to form highly specialized professional experts in the emerging field of Archaeometry, i.e Physico-Chemical Sciences applied to the study of Archaeological and Cultural Heritage materials.
The aim of this program is to provide students with specialized skills in archaeology and analytical characterization of materials from prehistory(Megalithic) to classical times (Greek and Roman). The study and conservation of Cultural Heritage materials is a research area with a strong multidisciplinary connotation and requires skills that span across the Humanities and Science research fields. ARCHMAT provides a common, integrated platform for excellent students coming from either Science or Humanities educational backgrounds to understand the advanced scientific methods used to investigate archaeological materials and aims to form highly specialized professional experts in the emerging field of Archaeometry, i.e Physico-Chemical Sciences applied to the study of Archaeological and Cultural Heritage materials.
Eligibility Criteria
What Are The Criteria Used To Assess An Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree?
Eligible participating organizations
A participating organization can be any public or private organization, established in a Programme Country or in a Partner Country that contributes directly and actively to the delivery of the EM JMD.
For example, such an organization can be:
- a higher education institution;
- a public or private, a small, medium, or large enterprise (including social enterprises);
- a public body at the local, regional, or national level;
- a non-non-profit organisation, association, NGO;
- a research institute.
HEIs established in a Programme Country must hold a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). An ECHE is not required to participate HEIs in Partner Countries. If necessary, the European Commission may be asked to check that degree awarding
HEIs in the Partner Country are eligible (see definition of an HEI in the Glossary section of this Guide Guide).
HEIs established in a Programme Country must be able to demonstrate at the application stage the accreditation at the national level of each degree-awarding Master program on the basis of which the EM JMD program is composed.
Who can apply?
A HEI established in a Programme Country. The HEI applies on behalf of the EM JMD consortium. Branches of Partner Partner-Country HEIs established in a Programme Country or branches of Programme Programme-Country HEIs established in a Partner Country are not eligible for application.
Number and profile of participating organizations
An EMJMD is transnational and involves as full partners HEIs from at least three different Programme Countries.
HEIs from Programme Countries must be in a position to host EMJMD students and deliver at least the minimum number of ECTS credits for the study period spent in their institution.
All partner organizations from Programme or Partner Countries must be identified at the time of applying for a grant.
Eligible participants
Students at the Master level, staff of the participating organizations, and invited scholars (/guest lecturers) from the Programme and Partner Countries. Students will apply for a scholarship directly to the EMJMD consortium of their choice and go through a competitive selection process organized by the consortium HEIs. The selection, recruitment, and monitoring of individual scholarship holders fall under the responsibility of the EMJMD consortium.
Number of participants
Indicatively, and during the initial period of funding, the EM JMD grant will finance b be- tween 13 and 20 student scholarship holders and at least 4 invited scholars/guest le lecturers per intake (per EM JMD edition) 63 engaged in the EMJMD activities for at least 8 weeks in total total64.
The scholars/guest lecturers must be selected in accordance with the consortium’s specific scholars selection criteria and bring concrete added value to the delivery of the EMJMD.
In addition, EMJMD consortia can receive on average 4 additional scholarships per intake for one or more priority regions/countries of the world.
- Evora
Largo dos Colegiais,2, 7004-516, Evora
- Rome
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5, 00185, Rome
- Thessaloniki
Eth. Aminis 41, 546 35, Thessaloniki