- Since 1972
- 8 Campuses
- 250 Teaching Staff
- 3900 Students
- 11 800 Diplômés
- 30 International Partners
Créé en 1972 par de grands acteurs de l’immobilier, ESPI – fondé sous statut associatif (Loi de 1901) – est un établissement d’enseignement supérieur privé dont les titres sont reconnus par l’État niveau 6 (Bac+3) et niveau 7 (Bac+5), ou diplômes d’école, et enregistrés au Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP), avec un cycle Bachelor et un cycle Mastère Professionnel (6 spécialisations). 50 ans d’existence ont permis à ESPI de s’enraciner dans l’intégralité des métiers de l’immobilier. Aujourd’hui, nos étudiants sont répartis sur les campus de Paris, Nantes, Marseille, Bordeaux, Lyon et Montpellier.
ESPI : 50 ans d’histoire, d’expertise et de savoir-faire dans l’immobilier !
Créé en 1972 par de grands acteurs de l’immobilier, ESPI – fondé sous statut associatif (Loi de 1901) – est un établissement d’enseignement supérieur privé dont les titres sont reconnus par l’État niveau 6 (Bac+3) et niveau 7 (Bac+5), ou diplômes d’école, et enregistrés au Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP), avec un cycle Bachelor et un cycle Mastère Professionnel (6 spécialisations). 50 ans d’existence ont permis à ESPI de s’enraciner dans l’intégralité des métiers de l’immobilier. Aujourd’hui, nos étudiants sont répartis sur les campus de Paris, Nantes, Marseille, Bordeaux, Lyon et Montpellier.
Dès sa création, ESPI affiche sa différence : ses intervenants – professionnels ou enseignants-chercheurs – tous experts dans leur domaine, et la pertinence et la cohérence des programmes pédagogiques, sont les clés d’un enseignement qualitatif et professionnel. Son puissant réseau ne cesse de se développer : plus de 11 800 anciens élèves occupent des postes à responsabilités, dont un grand nombre de dirigeants. Ses 600 partenaires, entreprises et syndicats professionnels, et ses 250 intervenants, mettent tout en œuvre pour accompagner les étudiants vers les métiers auxquels ils se destinent. Le taux de placement est la meilleure illustration de la qualité académique et du professionnalisme de l’école : 97% des étudiants sont en poste à l’issue de leur formation.
Une mission de formation
Former par notre excellence académique des professionnels opérationnels, responsables et innovants, dans toutes les branches de l’immobilier à l’échelle nationale et internationale.
Une mission d'innovation et de recherche
Participer par nos productions scientifiques et notre expertise, aux transformations et innovations de l’écosystème national et international de l’immobilier.
Campus Features
Now installed in a modern building located in the heart of the city of Levallois-Perret, at the gates of Paris, this new campus is equipped with the latest technologies with rooms equipped with interactive whiteboards, and learning labs, spread over 5 floors. A learning lounge welcomes learners and visitors for a coffee break.
These new premises make it possible to organize even more professional events, and workshops, in partnership with companies in the real estate sector.
This new location is a turning point for the school by offering it a contemporary architectural setting, and innovative educational equipment that allows the campus to maintain its leading position in the Parisian market.
Regularly ranked as the most attractive city in France and among the most innovative in Europe, Nantes indeed has many assets.
A creative metropolis highlighting innovation and business development approaches, the city knows how to promote a rich pool of skills fresh out of the many training centers present on its territory.
Of course, the real estate sector also has its role to play in the Atlantic metropolis. The many urban renewal projects set up to support the economic dynamism of the Nantes metropolitan area are indeed great opportunities for all professionals in the sector.
It was with a view to participating in this development that the ESPI Group opened its second campus in Nantes in 2003 at 285 rue Louis de Broglie, in the Rivière business park.
The second largest city in France, Marseille is currently in a cycle of economic development based on diversified sectors, strong industry, and centers of excellence in higher education and research. At the center of this economic development, is the Euroméditerranée project. This urban restructuring operation, the largest ever carried out in the whole of the European Union, aims to offer an international scope to the Provençal metropolis.
Of course, such a development integrates all the profiles of professionals in the real estate sector. It is with a view to enabling its students to integrate this dynamic of development that the ESPI group opened its Marseillais Campus in 2012. Since then, our premises have been moved to 10 places de La Joliette in the district of La Joliette, the new economic center of Marseille located north of the Old Port, at the heart of the urban restructuring project.
Undoubtedly one of the most attractive cities in the country, Bordeaux is above all a metropolis on a human scale. Its dynamic local ecosystem and the large number of innovative companies developing there make it a very attractive area for all profiles. The real estate sector is no exception, and all the major players in the profession operate in this territory.
Present in the city of Bordeaux since 2019, our campus is located in the heart of the Bastide district, in the city center, opposite the "Jardin Botanique" tram station at 73 avenue Thiers. In an environment combining housing, shops, places of culture, and green spaces, our campus offers an ideal working environment for its 140 students.
The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region is one of the most dynamic in France. The real estate sector is no exception, and all the major players in the profession operate in our region. ESPI has been based in Lyon since 2017, and moved into its new premises at the start of the 2018 academic year. The new 950m2 premises offer an exceptional working environment. The classrooms are equipped with the latest touch-screen technology. Sub-group "work cubicles" enable project-based learning for many courses. Break-out areas and cafeterias allow students to enjoy their studies to the full. Everything on the campus has been designed so that students and real estate professionals can meet and exchange ideas in optimum conditions.
Since the start of the 2018 academic year, the Montpellier campus has been welcoming students to train them in real estate professions, a sector whose dynamism and potential have been observed for a long time and whose future seems indisputable.
The Montpellier campus guarantees high-quality training conditions and closes human support, combining high standards and kindness.
The campus welcomes you in the strategic district of the "City" of Lille, near Euralille and the train stations. Rich in an exceptional architectural heritage and close to London, Amsterdam, Brussels, and Paris, equipped with the 1st incubator and accelerator of start-ups in France thanks to Euratechnologies, the attractiveness of Lille is no longer to be proven!
Between a rediscovered gastronomy, and a flourishing cultural offer, the city offers all the ingredients to live an unforgettable student experience.
The training offer of the Lille campus responds perfectly to the dynamism of the real estate market and offers its partners, major players in the sector, a talented generation of employees of today and tomorrow.
Montreal is an exceptional city in many ways. Firstly, although it is the second-largest French-speaking city in the world, it is easy to practise your English in the many local English-speaking communities or by travelling to the United States, whose border is around 45 minutes away.
The quality of life here is excellent, with many public services, a high level of security and a lower cost of living than most large North American cities.All these factors, and many more, make it a university destination of choice.Montréal thrives on innovation, teems with opportunities and gives everyone a chance to reach their full potential.
It's in this spirit of performance and caring, typical of Quebec, that the Montreal campus opens its doors to you.As well as all the benefits in terms of qualifications and professional networking, it's an enriching human experience that awaits students.Choosing international mobility means learning to get out of your comfort zone, developing interpersonal skills and opening up to different cultural practices.This is a remarkable advantage in a world where borders are becoming increasingly blurred.
- Paris
12 rue Belgrand LEVALLOIS-PERRET, 92300, Paris
- Montreal
507 Place d'Armes #260,, H2Y 2W8, Montreal
- Nantes
Nantes, France
- Marseille
Marseille, France
- Bordeaux
Bordeaux, France
- Lyon
Lyon, France
- Montpellier
Montpellier, France
- Lille
Lille, France