Faculty of Business - Babeș-Bolyai University
The Faculty of Business within the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, is the first higher education institution that offered studies in the business profile in Romania. In the 30 years of its existence, the Faculty of Business has proven to be one of the most dynamic faculties in Romania, offering students the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career in business, as well as the capacity for continuous self-improvement. This is possible through 4 programs at bachelor's level and 4 programs at master's level.
The Faculty of Business within the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, is the first higher education institution that offered studies in the business profile in Romania. In the 30 years of its existence, the Faculty of Business has proven to be one of the most dynamic faculties in Romania, offering students the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career in business, as well as the capacity for continuous self-improvement. This is possible through 4 programs at bachelor's level and 4 programs at master's level.
Co-creation, together with our business, public, and NGO partners of knowledge, attitudes, and skills, which genuinely enhances the impact of educational, research, and entrepreneurial endeavors.
To foster financial & intellectual independence for people of all ages with entrepreneurial DNA.
We have this vision… because financial independence values little without intellectual independence. We do not just want to focus on financial wealth, we want people to also focus on the meaning of their activity. These two dimensions lead to real, sustainable development that allows people to respond to the opportunities of their truly international future.
Why study at Faculty of Business - Babeș-Bolyai University
All of our programs are designed with a unique and innovative learning approach, proven to equip business professionals with a strong entrepreneurial spirit and the ability to perform at a high level in a business environment characterized by rapid change and pressure.
Over time, the Faculty of Business has established itself as a leading institution at the regional level through excellence in the learning and development process, forging strong connections with both local and international business environments. This is the reason why why business schools around the world choose to enter into partnerships and create double degree programs with us: we have more than 40 partner universities of the Faculty of Business.
Awards & Accreditations
All programs of the Faculty of Business are accredited by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. In addition, the Faculty of Business received NIBS accreditation in 2015, being re-evaluated in 2024. Also, the Faculty of Business is in the process of AACSB accreditation.