Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
INN University was established on 1 January 2017 following a merger of Hedmark University of Applied Sciences and Lillehammer University College. The new institution operates from 6 campuses located in south-east Norway and houses together 16.000 students.
About INN
INN University copperates closely with over 200 insitutions of higher education world-wide. Every academic year we welcome over 300 international exchange students form around the World. On top of selection of English-taught degrees, INN offers a wide rage of single courses available for short-term mobilities.
Our faculties
- Faculty of Audiovisual Media and Creative Technologies
- Faculty of Applied Ecology, Agricultural Sciences, and Biotechnology
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Social and Health Sciences
- Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
- The Norwegian Film School
- Lillehammer
Vormstuguvegen,2, 2624, Lillehammer