International Master in Digital Law and Innovation
Barcelona, Spain
10 Months
Full time
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EUR 14,500
The International Master in digital law and innovation is a unique educational experience on the market, designed for professionals who want to take a big leap in their professional career.
This program merges all the knowledge in digital law and commercial law applied to technology companies, along with comprehensive training in the different areas of a company, including finance, marketing, and management skills.
At the same time, it is essential that the student deeply understands one of the main assets of a company in the digital era, which is data. Therefore, you will finish the Master with knowledge and technical skills in Data science and Artificial Intelligence, starting from scratch; You will master programming languages and digital tools of Machine Learning and Deep learning; and you will understand how the data market works, in addition to having the skills to analyze and design strategies and create innovative technological solutions
- Introduction: Internet Fundamentals and Regulation
- Block I: The Protection of Intangibles
- Block II: Commerce and Contracting
- Block III: Data Protection and Cybersecurity
- Block IV: Regulation and Operation of Emerging Digital Technologies
- Block V: Introduction to Programming: Data Science and AI
- Block VI: Corporate
- Block VII: Management and Business Development
- Block VIII: Master's Final Project
Program Outcome
¿Qué Aprenderás?
Advanced Digital Law 360º
- It delves into the main legal aspects of the digital era, including cybersecurity, data protection, intellectual property and electronic contracting, as well as the law applied to new technologies such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse
- Train yourself to draw up a strategy in coherence with each of the key areas of a company
- Perform practical cases, combining legal solutions with business development and innovation projects within the firms themselves
- Includes all areas of Commercial Law, specialized in technology companies and startups
- Plan and lead business investment and financing processes
- Master the drafting and negotiation of various commercial contracts relevant to the industry, as well as the management of mergers and acquisitions
- Control competition law
- Learn the IPO process and become familiar with the capital market and financial assets
Desarrollo de negocio
- Design and execute comprehensive business plans with a strategic approach
- Acquire skills to interpret the financial health of a company, using the relevant analytical tools
- Train yourself to perform detailed financial analysis and value established and emerging companies
- Understand the various marketing channels and master the use of digital tools to maximize the visibility and impact of a brand
- Prepare to address contemporary business challenges with creativity and strategic acumen
Programming, processing and data analysis
- Train yourself to analyze, process and model complex data using advanced machine learning techniques
- Master programming in Python and the use of specialized libraries to implement artificial intelligence solutions
- Develops and evaluates predictive and classificatory models, as well as applies natural language processing techniques
- With strong practical skills and real-world project experience, prepare to take on complex challenges and excel in roles related to data analytics and artificial intelligence.
Soft Skills
- Develop critical skills for effective team management and leadership in dynamic business environments
- Learn advanced negotiation techniques, as well as conflict resolution strategies and interpersonal communication skills
- Acquire the ability to lead during periods of change and manage organizational resistance constructively
- With a focus on personal and professional development, prepare to lead teams with empathy, adaptability and strategic vision, contributing to success and cohesion within any work environment
Career Opportunities
The communication distance between legal and technological departments is a big problem for companies.
Companies need hybrid profiles that understand regulation and technology. Therefore, jurists are required to deeply understand the technological map in order to interpret the norm in each case. At the same time, legal strategy is fundamental in the business development of a company, from agreements, product evolution, business plan, financing and market valuation.
The fusion between comprehensive knowledge of regulation in digital environments and technical capabilities elevates our students to a unique position in the market, allowing them to have a transversal vision of the entire company, as well as positioning them in an indispensable role. to design business development strategies.
With this Master's Degree, students emerge as complete leaders, prepared to address the most demanding challenges and excel in various professional fields, whether working for legal firms, consulting and auditing or in-house in innovation and technology companies.
Salidas Profesionales
Executive management
- Legal department management in technology companies.
- Project Manager
- Compliance Officer.
- Lawyer specializing in Data Protection
- Lawyer specializing in Intellectual Property
- Lawyer specializing in Cybersecurity.
- Lawyer specializing in Commercial Law
- Auditor
Booming Job Profiles
- Legal data officer.
- Lawyer specializing in digital business development.
- Legal
Why study at Institut Tecnic Tecnologic Internacional
¿Por Qué Elegir a Economist & Jurist School?
Innovación y vanguardia
En E&J School nos adelantamos, siendo la primera escuela de negocios en diseñar e impartir este programa. El máster brinda una formación pionera en derecho digital, desarrollo tecnológico y de negocio, desarrollando un perfil profesional que se ubica en entornos digitales, aportando un gran valor añadido mediante la potenciación de habilidades de dirección, tecnológicas, innovación y gestión de proyectos.
El Máster proporciona acceso exclusivo a una red de profesionales y empresas de primer orden, que no solo actúan como profesores, sino también como mentores a lo largo de todo el proceso.
Entre estos encontramos:
- Despachos de abogados y consultoras globales
- Instituciones Públicas nacionales e internacionales
- Fondos de inversión y venture capital
- Empresas tecnológicas de primer orden
- Académicos e investigadores de reconocido prestigio
Learning by Doing
La metodología de formación y evaluación combina el conocimiento teórico con la solución de casos prácticos reales y de actualidad que aportarán las empresas y despachos en cada uno de sus módulos. Esto permite al alumno trabajar en equipos, e ir adquiriendo experiencia a lo largo del Máster, brindando soluciones a casuísticas reales de los despachos y empresas que conforman el Máster.
Garantia E&J
Estudiar en Economist & Jurist, es una garantía de calidad, rigor y reconocimiento. Fundadores de ISDE (Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economía) y con 30 años informando sobre la actualidad jurídica y transmitiendo conocimiento a través de estudios académicos de referencia. Abogados, Jueces, Notarios, Registradores de la propiedad y diferentes personalidades colaboran y leen nuestras publicaciones siendo el medio con mayor visibilidad a nivel nacional.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.