Khazar University
Khazar University is a reputable private institution of higher education and research, located in Baku, the beautiful, safe, vibrant, and multi-cultural capital city of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Khazar University
Khazar University is a private institution of higher education and research, located in Baku, the beautiful, very safe, and multi-cultural capital city of Azerbaijan. It is one of the leading universities in the country and a broader region. The university derives its reputable name from ‘Xəzər dənizi’ or the Caspian Sea. Our academic programmes combine all competitive advantages of Azerbaijan as a major supplier of energy resources for the region (two-thirds of the country is rich in natural gas and oil), a land of unique cultural heritage that naturally unifies many civilisations, and a developer of many international trading routes and positive business initiatives. Khazar was the first in Azerbaijan to be comprised of multiple independent Schools, united by the same academic policy and principles:
- School of Science and Engineering
- School of Economics and Management
- School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
- Graduate School of Science, Arts and Technology
- Graduate School of Economics and Business
The top university in Azerbaijan, according to the 2022 QS Emerging Europe & Central Asia University Rankings, Khazar has reached the overall 16th place in the ‘International Faculty’ cluster and confirmed the 9th place in the region in the ‘Citations per Paper’ segment. The latter indicator reflects on Khazar University’s world-class capacity in conducting internationally recognised research. In a significant addition, as of December 2021, the Eduniversal Best Business Schools Ranking places Khazar’s School of Economics and Management on the 1st place among the business schools in Azerbaijan.
On this page you will find six of our international programmes that are taught entirely in English (many more can be found on Khazar University’s website). Your educational experience at Khazar will always be in-depth, career-focused, and internship-solidified, whichever programme you choose for yourself – Khazar is one of the leading universities in Azerbaijan in terms of its strong relations with different industries and research and development programmes. Be it for an under-graduate or a post-graduate level of study, we offer a wide range of student exchange/mobility routes, direct involvement in classy research, and plenty of opportunities to build up your positive legacy at Khazar University. Every year, we provide a limited number of merit-based scholarships for outstanding personalities on all levels of study. Get on board and let’s sail on together! We are always leading the way!
Scholarships and Funding
- Baku
Khazar University (Neftçilər Campus) 41 Mehseti Street,, AZ1096, Baku