Master in Business Management (MEX)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
22 Months
Part time
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BRL 99,470 / per course *
* Payment plans in up to 30 installments. Consult us.
The Master's in Business Management (MEX) is aimed at executives and leaders, with relevant professional background in the private sector, public sector or third sector, who wish to establish a professional trajectory of excellence.
With cutting-edge knowledge, immediately applicable to the organizations they are part of, MEX students become capable of handling the most complex business challenges, working with multicultural teams, using innovative technologies applied to decision-making. As they receive a Master's degree, they can also carry out consultancy activities (with tools and techniques to diagnose, analyze, plan and offer integrated management solutions) or teaching, having the opportunity to teach in important higher education institutions.
With top marks from CAPES/MEC and seals from the most important international accreditors, MEX offers solid, innovative training based on the broad recognition of FGV EBAPE as a reference in research and teaching in Administration in Brazil.
Flexibility to reconcile professional life and master's degree
It can be carried out part-time, as in MEX , allowing you to combine studies and a professional career, or in MEX Intensive mode, with activities concentrated in one academic week, allowing better access to students not resident in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Classes from Monday to Thursday from 6:30 pm to 9:45 pm
* average attendance twice a week, depending on the subjects chosen for the quarter.
MEX IntensiveSchool week with classes on Thursday from 1pm to 8pm, Friday from 8am to 7pm and Saturday from 8:30am to 5:30pm.* 12 academic cycles with a 5-week break between each module

Research Tracks
Business Strategy
This research track seeks to analyze processes and interventions that change the organizations' relationship with the market and society. The studies explore forming and managing strategic alliances, partnerships, mergers & acquisitions, and internationalization processes. Also, research contemplates the analysis of the impact of strategies and marketing phenomena on the performance of organizations. This research track covers the process of formulation and implementation of managerial and technological innovations and involves areas such as entrepreneurship, innovation, governance, marketing, information systems, internationalization, business processes, strategy, and decision-making.
Behavior and Strategic People Management
The research track investigates the dynamics of individual behavior and the relationships and interactions among individuals in organizations. It includes the study of the impacts of people management policies and practices in organizations and their alignment with the organizational strategy. Research works include the management of organizational intangibles such as culture, leadership, and trust as a strategic competency and competitive advantage. It seeks to analyze the relations between the areas of labor relations and people management, as well as their connection with corporate social responsibility. This research track involves the areas of people, structure, processes, and organizational behavior.
Corporate Finance and Accounting
The studies in this research track focus on conceptual and empirical aspects related to the elaboration, dissemination, and use of economic and financial information indecision-making about resource allocation. Also, the studies emphasize teaching and developing competencies necessary to perform these activities. It unfolds in: Audit; Corporate accounting; Corporate finance; Valuation; Risk management; Judgment and Decision-making in Finance and Accounting; Quantitative Methods Applied to Finance and Accounting; Regulation, Fraud, and Manipulation of Information.
Program Outcome
The objective of this program is to contribute to professional development through new knowledge that increases management skills, the ability to innovate and to analyze and solve complex problems offers the possibility of teaching or developing consulting projects. Solid education aims to expand the career possibilities of students who earn a master’s degree from the program.
Ideal Students
Higher-level professionals who work or want to work in the field of management and want to be prepared to make their own career choices. Having more than four years’ professional experience is desirable.