Master in Environmental Engineering
Trento, Italy
2 Years
Full time
06 Mar 2025*
Sep 2025
EUR 4,500 / per year **
* 6 march 2025 (12:00 CET) for non-EU citizens living abroad |open-ended application period for EU citizens and non-EU citizens residing in italy
** EU 340€ - 3400€ (fee range based on personal income and merit) | non-EU: 1000€-4500€ (fee range based on merit only, i.e. score in the application evaluation)
Building an environmentally sustainable future is one of the most pressing issues that mankind is tackling nowadays. We aim to produce competent and skilled professionals who have a strong engineering background with an interdisciplinary understanding of the complex interactions between human needs and the natural environment that characterize the Anthropocene.
This is achieved by intermeshing traditional disciplines, such as hydraulics, hydrology, sanitary engineering, structural and geotechnical engineering and spatial planning, with emerging environmental issues and problem-solving skills.
With a theoretically grounded but pragmatic approach, our graduates will be able to develop innovative and sustainable solutions, based on a deep knowledge of the fundamental environmental dynamics and the capability to quantify and simulate the effects of anthropogenic interventions.

The Master’s degree program in Environmental Engineering is a two-year full-time program (120 ECTS) open to international students.
The program admits every year a maximum number of 15 non-EU students permanently residing abroad.
Students benefit from everyday interactions with internationally renowned professors and researchers. With a low ratio between students and teachers and courses organized in projects and group work, students have the possibility to acquire both technical and practical competencies and experience real-world challenges while attending the courses. Field activities complement the learning opportunities.
The first year foresees 6 common courses and one course depending on the track that is chosen for the second year. The program is articulated into 4 tracks that cover different aspects of the broad spectrum of Environmental Engineering:
- Water Resources and Land Protection
- Environmental Quality and Remediation Technologies
- Environmental Sustainability and International Cooperation
- Modeling and Simulation of Environmental Systems
Tracks 2, 3 and 4 are totally taught in English; for track 1, some courses are taught in Italian.

Efrem Bertini
Program Outcome
Master’s graduates are able to design and manage works and services in various areas of environmental engineering, such as:
- Land protection from natural and man-made hazards, analysis and mitigation of hydrogeological risk, protection and requalification of water bodies;
- Urban infrastructures, hydraulic structures, and civil works within an environmental context;
- sustainable management of environmental resources, treatment of emissions in solids, liquids, and gases, quality monitoring, pollution prevention, and remediation of environmental matrices (air, water, soil);
- Management of the territory and the built environment, including in the presence of conflicting uses of resources, with a view to environmental sustainability and in specific socio-economic contexts.
Furthermore, graduates are able to:
- Select and use mathematical and numerical models;
- Acquire and analyze data for environmental monitoring;
- Analyze and interpret complex environmental data;
- Analyze and evaluate the environmental impact of civil and industrial works and develop strategic environmental assessment procedures for plans and programs;
- Interact with experts from different disciplines and cooperate to solve complex environmental problems.
Scholarships and Funding
Scholarships and tuition fees for Non-EU Citizens living abroad
Top-scored candidates will be entitled to receive a UniTrento scholarship assigned by the Evaluation Committee based on the application score. Tuition fees are waived for students who receive a UniTrento scholarship.
The amount of tuition fees for non-EU applicants living abroad is related to the application score obtained during the selection. For more information check the UniTrento scholarships web page.
Scholarships and tuition fees for EU Citizens and Non-EU citizens regularly living in Italy
DSU (Diritto allo Studio Universitario) Scholarships are available for EU citizens and non-EU citizens living in Italy who meet the ISEE requirements based on family income. Further information is available on Scholarships starting from June/July.
Details about tuition fees and ISEE are available on the Opera Universitaria web page.

UniTrento Archive
Career Opportunities
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.