Master in Information Engineering
Trento, Italy
2 Years
Full time
06 Mar 2025*
Sep 2025
EUR 6,500 / per year **
* For non-EU citizens living outside Italy: March 6, 2025| For EU citizens and non-EU citizens regularly living in Italy: rolling admission from June to November 2025.
** EU 340€-3400€ (fee range based on personal income and merit); Non-EU: 1000€-6500€ (fee range based on merit only, i.e. score in the application evaluation).
The Master of Science in Information Engineering (Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria dell'Informazione) is intended to provide graduate students with advanced skills in the field of telecommunications and electronic engineering.
The specialist graduates will gain a deep understanding of the most recent technologies, tools, systems, and infrastructures for telecommunication applications. The studying process will be combined with practical laboratory sessions, to provide students with both practical and theoretical skills.
The standard Master's program lasts two years and includes courses on the fundamentals of Telecommunications as well as advanced specialization courses chosen by the student.
Every year, in March, the Teaching Committee approves the Manifesto Studiorum which contains the course program for the following academic year. This includes the list of courses available, their respective syllabuses, types of examinations, educational material, and administrative information. Thanks to the Erasmus International Mobility program, the study plan can contain courses and exams sustained in other top European universities. This program can be taken without any increase in fees. The period abroad can last from three to twelve months. Other opportunities for international mobility are also possible.
At the end of the Master&rsquo's program, students will be required to have a training period in a company or a research laboratory.
Students with multiple University-level qualifications in Electronics, Information Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, or closely related disciplines could have a certain number of examinations recognized from previous studies in their study plans. The examination recognition will depend on the educational background of the student and will be performed only after the official enrolment for the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI).
Program Overview
The Master of Science in Information Engineering aims to train professionals to produce and manage technological innovation and fulfill high-profile technical and/or managerial roles in contexts that require in-depth knowledge of Information Engineering disciplines, focusing on specific aspects of Telecommunications Engineering.
The academic offer is organized into four curricula with different specialization areas:
- “ Communications Engineering” aimed at achieving a high degree of specialization in the design of telecommunications systems;
- “ Computer Engineering” for the conception and design of artificial intelligence and distributed information systems;
- “ Electronic Engineering” aimed at the development of electronic systems for the acquisition of signals and advanced computing architectures;
- “ Biomedical Engineering” for the acquisition, processing, and automatic analysis of biomedical signals and data.

The Master of Science in Information Engineering lasts two years and consists of 120 ECTS. It provides students with 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits. All students are required to attend both compulsory and free-choice specialization courses. The number of credits related to each course may range between 3 and 12, depending on the number of academic hours of the course itself. The dissertation and the final exam will confer some additional credits. The study plan can also include exams taken in other European Universities within the framework of the Erasmus+ international mobility program. Students may join this program without any increase in fees. The period spent abroad can last from three to twelve months.
The program starts every year in September. The academic year is divided into two semesters: autumn semester (from September to January) and spring semester (from February to June). The periods between semesters are dedicated to examinations and holidays.
Credits required to complete the Master’s degree program in Information Engineering: 120 ECTS
Notes: according to the Sorbonne (1988) and the Bologna (1999) declarations university-level study programs in the European Higher Education Area are structured in university credits (ECTS). A university credit corresponds to 25 hours of student workload, time for personal preparation included. The annual average workload for a full-time student is conventionally fixed at 60 credits.

Efrem Bertini
Scholarships and Funding
Scholarships for non-EU citizens living abroad
Top-scored candidates will be entitled to receive a UniTrento scholarship assigned by the Evaluation Committee based on the application score. Tuition fees are waived for students who receive a UniTrento scholarship.
The amount of tuition fees for Non-EU applicants living abroad is related to the application score obtained during the selection. For more information check the UniTrento scholarships web page.
Scholarships for EU Citizens and Non-EU citizens regularly living in Italy
DSU (Diritto allo Studio Universitario) Scholarships are available for EU citizens and Non-EU citizens living in Italy who meet the ISEE requirements based on family income. Further information is available on Scholarships starting from June/July.
Details about tuition fees and ISEE are available on the Opera Universitaria web page.

UniTrento Archive
Career Opportunities
Our Information Engineers fulfill 21 European ICT professional profiles among the 23 recently defined by the European Union. To mention just a few of them: Business Information Manager, Systems Analyst and Architect, ICT Operation Manager, Developer, Digital Media Specialist, Network and Technical Specialist, ICT Security Manager, ICT Trainer and Consultant.
In general, our engineers acquire know-how in:
- The design, testing, validation, control, and production of new devices ranging from networks of wireless nanosensors to large aerospace systems;
- The design and validation of complex hardware and software solutions, for the acquisition and processing of multimedia and multimodal signals;
- The creation of software for the analysis, understanding, transmission, and exploitation of information in all its physical instantiations;
- The organization and management of communication systems as well as all aspects related to their innovation and marketing.
Further Studies
The Master of Science in Information Engineering provides the background to access the ICT Doctoral School at UniTrento, other PhD programs elsewhere in Italy or at the international level.

UniTrento Archive
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.