Master in Molecular Plant Science
Hamburg, Germany
4 Semesters
Full time
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EUR 340 / per semester
You are fascinated by molecular biological research in the plant sciences? You are interested in learning in an international study group? You would like to work on current research projects and immediately apply what you have learned? Do you like to work independently and be goal-oriented? Then welcome to the MoPS!
What should you bring with you?
Before starting the MoPS, you should already have acquired basic knowledge in molecular biology and/ or biochemistry and have gained experience in laboratory work, e.g. in the context of a Bachelor’s program in molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, or biology with a molecular biology focus. Furthermore, you should have a good command of English, as your daily learning routine will be characterized by English-language lectures, discussions, literature, and your own presentations in English. Details can be found under "Admission requirements".
What does the MoPS offer?
The MoPS offers practice-oriented learning through group practicals in the first semester to refresh your knowledge of basic molecular biology techniques and to learn more advanced lab methods. This is followed by individual lab rotations in the second and third semesters. Here, skills relevant to academic research, such as the development of research questions, experimental design, implementation, and evaluation, are taught, as well as the presentation and discussion of research results. The program is completed with a Master´s thesis allowing me to work independently on an up-to-date scientific question embedded in the research environment of Universität Hamburg. The practical education is complemented by lectures and seminars that provide an overview of the most exciting topics and trends in molecular plant biology, and offer the opportunity to discuss ethical issues and possible career paths following the Master’s degree.
Semester 1
Module Introduction to Molecular Plant Science:
Lecture, seminar
The lecture gives an introduction to current concepts of Molecular Plant Science, with special emphasis on Plant Physiology, Plant Development, and Plant Pathology. Moreover, you´ll learn the theoretical background of the methods taught in the other modules of the first semester.
In the seminar, all students will present their bachelor's thesis and discuss the results.
Modules Introduction to lab methods A-C:
Lab course
In this module, you´ll learn all important methods in molecular plant science. These modules are a preparation for the project modules in the second and third semesters as well as the master thesis.
Methods: Inoculation of plants with fungal and bacterial pathogens, Detection of gene expression, Mycotoxin analysis, Callose deposition, Bacterial proliferation assay, Bioimaging with fluorescent and light microscopy, Basic methods and tools of Applied Bioinformatics, Differential cell organelle proteomics upon infection, DNA and RNA isolation, PCR, qPCR for detection of gene expression, genotyping and phenotyping of transgenic plants, transient plant transformation, analysis of promoter-reporter gene constructs, confocal laser scanning microscopy to determine the intracellular localization of proteins tagged with fluorophors, isolation and purification of recombinant proteins, immuno cytochemistry, Immune detection of proteins, western blot, Heterologous overexpression of proteins, protein purification, protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interaction assays, mass spectrometry, plant transformation, analyses of plant secondary metabolites.
Semester 2
Module Ethics in Biology:
Lecture, seminar
For the scientist, it is also important to have a critical look at their own work in regard to ethical and social aspects. You´ll get familiar with different ethical concepts as a key to understanding, why people differ in evaluations of scientific and technical innovations. You´ll be able to develop their own qualified position, to understand societal governance processes and ways to actively participate in societal decision-making.
Modules Introduction to lab methods:
Lab course
You´ll work on a scientific project in one of the participating working groups together with 2 or 3 other students. You are free to choose one working group that you got to know in the first semester. Not all working groups will offer a lab course in the winter semester. At the end of the first semester, the working groups will present their project and at this time you can choose your course.
Semester 3
Module Introduction to Job
Lecture, exercise
You´ll learn to interpret scientific literature, integrate your own findings into the overall scientific context, and compile them as a publishable scientific presentation. You´ll be acquainted with the application for financial and scientific sponsorship. Moreover, you`ll comprehend the occupational field of molecular biologists.
Modules Introduction to lab methods:
Lab course
The same as in the second semester. But you are not allowed to make your second lab course in the same working group. The election takes place at the end of the second semester.
Semester 4
Master thesis
Only if the compulsory elective modules have been successfully completed you can apply your master’s thesis.
To register, fill out the form above, send it to the supervisor of your thesis by email, and have it signed. When you get the signed form back, you can send it to an exam manager at the Academic Office of Biology. You will then receive an email asking you to confirm the delivery date (it is in the email) by email. Only then your work is registered.
There have to be 900 working hours (5 months) between the beginning and the submission of the master’s thesis.
The master's thesis usually consists of
- A (short) theoretical introduction to the topic, including the development of a research concept with the supervisor of the thesis
- A 3 to 4-month experimental treatment of the topic in one of the participating study groups, as well as
- The written documentation, evaluation, and interpretation of the results according to the rules of good scientific practice in a master's thesis, and
- The oral presentation of the thesis/defense of the thesis in a colloquium with the examiners of the thesis or in an advanced seminar
Examiner of the master thesis:
The master's thesis is examined by the supervisor and a further examiner from the group of authorized examiners. At least one examiner must have provided additional scientific services in accordance with §15 Abs. be proven by a Habilitation.
- At least one examiner of the master’s thesis must belong to the group of professors in the Department of Biology and be significantly involved in teaching within the degree program. As a rule, the other examiner for the master’s thesis must belong to the Department of Biology and be significantly involved in teaching within the degree program. In cases of doubt, the examination board shall decide on the applicable regulations for examination and instructions.
- A further examiner must have a doctoral degree. The doctorate must be at least three years old and he/she must work scientifically, as evidenced by relevant publications. The examination right must be requested by the examiner at the Examination Board, which decides on a case-by-case basis. The application must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae, and a list of publications, if applicable.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
MoPS graduates will, based on their broad interdisciplinary and integrative university training, qualify for a broad range of career opportunities. They can, for example, pursue a career in research, starting with a PhD, to be subsequently employed in responsible and leading positions at universities, academic and non-academic research institutes, and biotech or agribusiness companies.
Other promising job opportunities can be found in management, consulting, policy, and communication in federal ministries, governmental and non-governmental organizations, breeding, or other agribusiness companies. Positions in research funding organizations, scientific journalism, in the field of patents, plant variety protection, intellectual property rights, horticultural associations, or international organizations such as the EU represent additional employment possibilities.
MoPS graduates will be able to contribute to the sustainable development of plant production and agriculture at various integration levels in the areas of fundamental and applied Plant Sciences and Agriculture. In addition, due to their profound expertise and broad proficiency, MoPS graduates can also strive for employment in all other prominent areas of Life Sciences.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.