Master International Design Strategy / Brazil Studio
2 Years
Full time
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EUR 9,900 / per year *
* 8900 EUR for French and European students, 9900 EUR for non-European students
A postgraduate program in two years specialized in International Design Strategy, a single master’s degree in design
The Master Brazil Studio, in association with the prestigious Mackenzie University, deals with topics related to social and environmental issues (mobility, health, education, food, access to energy, waste management) and its specific characteristics (high population density, multiculturalism, natural The Master Brazil Studio resources and local crafts...).
Main themes
- Immersion environment
- Urban Design in the context of high population density
- Social Design adapted to multiculturalism
São Paulo, Brazil
São Paulo is a creative, hyperactive, seductive and warm city, where design, architecture, communication, events and innovation agencies abound. "Sampa", the largest urban center in the southern hemisphere, is the economic center of Brazil, a market of more than 200 million inhabitants. The city is considered as one of the most culturally diverse in the world.
A Master's Level Degree
The successful completion of the two years leads to the Master’s level degree in design, certified by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and registered in the Registre National des Certifications Professionnelles (the French directory for vocational qualifications or RNCP) as a Level 7 Master’s degree.

1st year
Semester 1
Students spend this semester abroad in an internship as a junior designer (13 weeks minimum). They follow before this internship a module including a welcome seminar and methodology-transculturality (80h), language courses, and local culture.
The goal of this semester for students is to highlight and expand professional knowledge in the context of another culture.
Semester 2
During this semester, students learn how to manage complex design projects, deepen their knowledge of the economic, social, and cultural aspects of the field covered in their program, build and apply a methodology, and support their end-of-term project. studies, the subject of which they define.
Teaching, delivered in the form of projects in partnership with industry, workshops, lectures, conferences, and professional meetings includes the following compulsory credits:
- Design and complexity project
- Workshop to define the end of the studies project
- Prospective design project
- Seminar methodologies
- Innovation seminar
- Intellectual property
- Seminar specific to the theme of the program
- Introduction to the Research Workshop
- Professionalisation / lab
- Contests
- TOEIC preparation
- Preparation for the end of studies project, complementary seminar
- Memory preparation workshop
2nd year
Semester 3
Continuation and finalization of the end-of-studies project summarizing all the professional skills acquired. It can be conducted in collaboration with a company and/or research laboratory of a partner university. This personal end-of-studies project must be related to the program in which students are enrolled.
Supervision is ensured in the form of workshops under the direction of a referent designer, to which punctual speakers are associated. Writing a thesis on the theme of the project.
- Initiation to law
- Introduction to management
- End of studies project workshop
- Memory Workshop
- Professionalization & lab
- Competitions
Semester 4
The study program ends with a minimum of sixteen weeks (and a maximum of six months) internship within a company, in France or abroad.
Trainees work as junior designers and support all or part of a project.
The student must demonstrate his ability to integrate into a team, manage a project, and develop all the sequences of the project for its smooth running. It allows the student to articulate all of his studies with what will be his first professional experience. Depending on the professional project of the student, this internship can also take place within a company that the student will create, or even within a research laboratory.
Beyond the acquisition of the design profession skills through the experimentation of project management and the experience of complexity, this program aims to offer the opportunity for young graduates to begin an international career.
The MDes program covers four full semesters of accredited curriculum, with 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits rewarded per semester. During the first semester, beginning in September, students participate in an orientation seminar before starting their internships. The second semester offers a densely packed schedule of instruction and projects, led by teaching staff and professional designers. The third semester is dedicated to focused, individual work on a thesis and a personal design project related to Transcultural Design. The fourth semester releases students into a final internship experience, ideally also conducted in Brazil, or at least otherwise in an international context, and ends with a thesis defense in which each student presents him- or herself as a professional designer.
Program Outcome
Diplôme de design Bac +5 : master’s level degree.
This MDes program leads to the master’s level degree (Diplôme de design) certified by the French Ministry of Higher Education.
The Master’s level degree confers the "Grade de master", and you can pursue your education at a PhD level.
Career Opportunities
This program trains students to become global players who can converse fluently in English and possibly even Portuguese, understanding Brasilian context better, and most of all, improve the ability to design for clients and employers from other cultures. It is a living experience that will change its participants, often opening up unexpected, exciting international career opportunities.