Master of Arts in Eastern European Studies
Hamburg, Germany
4 Semesters
Full time
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EUR 340 / per semester
The master's program in Eastern European Studies is a research-oriented, interdisciplinary master's degree program that imparts knowledge regionally related to Eastern Europe as well as cross-disciplinary skills. The course is based on the collaboration of several institutes and work areas at the University of Hamburg with the Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Bundeswehr as well as two independent research institutions: Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSP) and Nordost-Institut Lüneburg (IKGN eV). The courses in the degree program deal with culture (especially language, literature, music, and ethnology) as well as politics, law, and history. By studying at the University of Hamburg and during a one-semester stay abroad in the target region in the form of a study visit, an internship, etc., students acquire in-depth knowledge of Eastern Europe and research on the region and expand their language skills in the two languages of the target region. The course lasts four semesters.
The course of study is regulated in the subject-specific regulations (FSB), which supplement the regulations of the Faculty of Humanities' examination regulations for the subject and describe the modules of the subject.
By studying at the University of Hamburg and during a one-semester stay abroad in the form of a study visit, an internship, etc. Students acquire in-depth knowledge of Eastern Europe research the region and expand their language skills in the languages of the target region. At the end of the course, students have mastered one language of the target region at level B2 and another language of the target region at level A2 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ).
As part of the master's program in Eastern European Studies, students must take modules amounting to 120 credits :
- Compulsory modules 45 CP
- Elective area 15 credits
- Study abroad 30 CP
- Final module 30 CP
Module OESt-M1
- Interdisciplinary introduction: Methods and theories in Eastern European studies
- Compulsory module (13 CP / 6 SWS)
- 1 lecture + 1 seminar + 1 project-related course
Module OESt-M2
- Cultural, linguistic, and ethnic diversity of Eastern Europe
- Compulsory module (10 CP / 4 SWS)
- 1 course A + 1 Course B
OESt-M3 modules
- Social orders: politics, law, history
- Compulsory module (10 CP / 4 SWS)
- 1 course A +
- 1 course B
Module OESt-M4.1
- Language practice introduction
- Compulsory elective module (12 CP / at least 8 SWS)
- 2 introductory courses
Module OESt-M4.2
- Language practice: Building the target language of the region
- Compulsory elective module (12 CP / at least 8 SWS)
- 2 advanced courses
OESt-MA-WB module
- Master's elective area
- 15 LP
- OESt study abroad
- Study and ex
Module OESt-M5
- Final module
- (30 CP / 1 SWS)
- 1 colloquium + 1 master's thesis + 1 oral examination
Program Outcome
Graduates of the master's program in Eastern European Studies should be able to independently apply the methods of the subjects involved in order to examine complex issues from different perspectives and thus generate new scientific knowledge. Through the course, graduates are able to analyze the complexity of problems in Eastern Europe, understand complex relationships, and formulate new approaches to solutions.