Master of Arts in Manuscript Cultures
Hamburg, Germany
1 Years
Full time
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EUR 340 / per semester *
* enrollment
The MA program ‘Manuscript Cultures’ aims to convey within a one-year course (60 CP) central topics in the field of general manuscript research combined with specific skills. The course of studies promotes the independent, analytical handling of manuscripts, the cultural-scientific examination of the texts, images, notes, and diagrams contained therein, the scientific material analysis of the manuscripts, and the development of creative approaches for solving complex scientific and scholarly questions. The study program covers a broad spectrum of manuscript cultures, especially in Asia, Africa, and Europe.
Module for the Master of Arts in Manuscript Cultures, totaling 60 ECTS credits:
The following required modules must be completed:
- Module MC-1 (12 ECTS credits) Manuscript Cultures in the Humanities
- Module MC-2 (12 ECTS credits) Manuscript Cultures in the Natural Sciences
- Module MC-MA-WB (6 ECTS credits) free elective area
- MC-Thesis Module (MC-Abschluss) (30 ECTS credits)
The master’s degree program will be complete upon concluding the module, MCThesis Module, totaling 30 ECTS credits. It includes the composition of a master’s thesis (28 ECTS credits) and participation in a colloquium (2 ECTS credits).
In the free elective area (6 ECTS credits), students will have the opportunity to select elective courses from the degree program as well as Studium Generale courses according to their own interests. The elective area thus serves to reinforce interdisciplinary expertise, and enables students to strengthen their interdisciplinary skills, allowing them to gain knowledge in other subject areas, and to think outside the boundaries of their specialization. Students have the option of choosing introductory language and/or technical courses in order to acquire the required methodological knowledge to pursue a specialization or greater knowledge of an individual topic.
Semester 1
MC-1 Module Manuscript Cultures in the Humanities
- 12 ECTS credits / 5 credit hours per week
- 2 credit hours per week lecture with 1 credit hour per week practical course (completed coursework),
- 2 credit hours per week seminar and seminar paper
- Lecture and practical course = 4 ECTS credits
- Seminar and seminar paper = 8 ECTS credits
MC-2 Module Manuscript Cultures in the Natural Sciences
- 12 ECTS credits / 5 credit hours per week
- 2 credit hours per week lecture with 1 credit hour per week practical course (completed coursework),
- 2 credit hours per week seminar and seminar paper
- Lecture and practical course = 4 ECTS credits
- Seminar and seminar paper = 8 ECTS credits
Semester 2
MC-Thesis Module
- 30 ECTS credits / 1 credit hour per week
- Master’s thesis (28 ECTS credits)
- 1 credit hour per week master’s student colloquium = 2 ECTS credits
Program Outcome
Knowledge of the methods of cultural studies analysis of manuscripts and their theoretical fundamentals, ability to plan and conduct philological historical research on manuscripts