Máster Universitario en Biotecnología Molecular y Celular de Plantas
18 Months
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
EUR 35 / per credit
Plants are an invaluable source of products and have uses of very diverse interest, including agri-food, pharmacological, ornamental, ecological and environmental uses, with traditional applications such as reforestation or novel ones such as the use of plants for cleaning and regeneration of contaminated soils.
In recent years, the applications of plant biotechnology to industry are experiencing a golden age, and have passed in a very short time from the traditional application in the textile and dye industry to new horizons in the biofuels industry, plastics or vaccines. The maximum exploitation of productive capacities, the design and development of new capacities and the increase in added value of existing crops, all in a sustainable and respectful way with the environment, constitute an exciting challenge for current biotechnology.
Faced with this panorama, both industry and scientific research demand greater preparation in the latest techniques in biotechnology, both from the point of view of cell and molecular biology and plant genetic engineering. To this end, this Master's Degree, framed within the postgraduate program in Biotechnology of the UPV and taught at the facilities of the University Institute of Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology, a joint center of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the Polytechnic University of Valencia, provides a study plan in which the student will learn in depth the cutting-edge techniques and applications in the field of plant biotechnology.
The Master is taught by professors from the Universitat Politècnica de València, with the collaboration of renowned CSIC research staff. Likewise, it relies on the contributions of personnel belonging to leading companies in the field of biotechnology, in order to be able to offer the graduate a business perspective, together with that of basic and applied research.
Ideal Students
Students from bachelor's degrees, degrees or engineering in the field of experimental sciences whose study plan provides basic knowledge in Molecular and Cellular Biology and, preferably, contains subjects related to Plant Biology.
Program Outcome
This Master's objective is to train specialists trained to apply the most advanced knowledge and techniques to problem solving, as well as to generate and develop new perspectives and ideas on the biotechnological use of plants and other biological systems, both in an environment academic as well as business.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.