Máster Universitario en Construcciones e Instalaciones Industriales
18 Months
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
EUR 35 / per credit
In the current situation, there is a demand, on the part of industries and companies, for increasingly highly qualified professionals. The Máster Universitario en Construcciones e Instalaciones Industriales trains both professionals and researchers specialized in the development of actions in the field of industrial construction, as well as in industrial activities that affect other buildings.
The situation also coincides with a series of important changes at a production, technical and regulatory level. This is not only presented as a challenge, but also as an opportunity, with the opening towards emerging markets.
The publication and updating of the technical building code, the growing awareness of the sustainable aspects of construction, the adaptation to European regulations on energy saving and efficiency, both in new construction and in rehabilitation, the updating of electrical regulations, the largest demands on the behavior of structures against earthquakes and fires are some of these changes.
This will force technicians, even those with experience in the sector, to update their knowledge.
The Master offers an adequate framework for such updating.
On the other hand, the trend towards the elimination of the specific professional attributions of a degree opens up new opportunities for graduates who have not received specific training in this matter, but who will be able to carry out their activity if they demonstrate that they have the necessary knowledge. The master's degree also offers a training level for this.
Thus, this master's degree allows graduates:
- Acquire a level of specialized and advanced knowledge in the subject matter of the master's degree.
- Improve and guarantee their employment situation within companies.
- Enter the labor market under more advantageous conditions.
- Provide added value to the technicians who take it compared to other professionals.
Given its nature as an official degree, it allows access to the doctoral program in Industrial Engineering and Production, leading to the subsequent obtaining of the doctoral degree in engineering.
For these reasons, the Master's Degree in Construction and Industrial Installations represents a good option for specialized and quality training for all those technicians who wish to develop their professional activity within the field of construction and installations. The high number of graduates employed in the sector shows this.
The theoretical and practical classes of most of the subjects are taught from Monday to Thursday from 3 to 9:15 p.m.
Some of the subjects that are taken with the equivalents of the intensification of Constructions and Installations of the Industrial Engineer degree may have some practical classes in the morning.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.