Máster Universitario en Diseño y Fabricación Integrada Asistidos por Computador
1 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
EUR 35 / per credit
This Master is a specialization in the modern techniques of Computer Aided Integrated Design and Manufacturing. Today manufacturing is not conceived without the use of these technologies, so its contents will be directly applicable to the future professional activity of the student. The knowledge transmitted in this Master must allow the student to go through all the stages of the product's life cycle, from conceptual design to manufacturing and recycling.
The Master provides knowledge in: design and geometric modeling; simulation and analysis of behavior in parts, products and processes; manufacturing planning; transport, storage, handling, processing and inspection techniques; Product Lifecycle Management; as well as other subjects and methodologies included or related to integrated manufacturing. All this, based on the subjects taken by the student and the final master's project (TFM) carried out.
The main objective of the Máster Universitario en Diseño y Fabricación Integrada Asistidos por Computador is to professionally project its students by putting into practice the theoretical/practical knowledge acquired. The ideal route is the internship in Business and the TFM which, in a large number of cases, takes the form of solving real problems in some of the sectors of our industrial environment.
The Master's internships are compulsory and will be carried out in a company at the request of the student with which the UPV must sign an agreement. The ETSID has the Sub-directorate of Relations with the Company for the collaboration in the search and selection of companies.
The TFM can be done in an industrial or academic environment. In both cases there is the possibility that it be done in companies, research institutes or universities, both national and foreign. In any case, it trains the student and is the perfect setting for starting doctoral studies in the Design, Manufacturing and Management of Industrial Projects program.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.