Máster Universitario en Edificación
18 Months
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
EUR 35 / per credit
In recent years, the building sector has been experiencing a process of change to adapt to new situations in a more international and globalized market, seeking new objectives and new proposals. These changes affect both its technological aspects, the set of sciences and techniques that are applied in the construction of buildings, and the management processes that must be adopted by the development, construction and real estate companies involved in building works. It is currently being built under new and more complex construction proposals that are demanding advanced interdisciplinary knowledge in these matters. It is for this reason that the demand for the intervention in building projects of technical specialists who, based on a synthetic and integrative knowledge of the technological and management disciplines, can respond adequately to the new demands that This sector is currently manifesting and, in turn, can generate new advanced specific knowledge in these matters.
Research training, the ability to design, manage and intervene in development and innovation projects is currently shown as an important component in professional performance in the field of construction. The Máster Universitario en Edificación aims to respond to these new training demands with a proposal that integrates professional specialization, interdisciplinary knowledge and training towards research, innovation and development in the field of building. For this reason, professionals from business entities with extensive experience in the sector such as 10t Project Management, Butech, Inhaus or Spans and professional associations such as COAT intervene in the planning and teaching of its contents.
Building management has been transformed in such a way that it requires high-level specialization in disciplines such as BIM, Lean, Industrialization, Feasibility, Real Estate Management or Business Management.
This approach has positioned us as the best Master's Degree in Building and Construction in Spain in the years 2021, 2022 and 2023, according to El Mundo ranking . Furthermore, as it is an Official Master's Degree recognized by the European Higher Education Area, it enables you to obtain a doctorate at any European university, with direct access to the doctoral program in Architecture, Building and Urban Planning at the Universitat Politècnica de València .
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.