Máster Universitario Erasmus Mundus en Ondas, Acústica, Vibraciones, Ingeniería y Sonido
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
EUR 39 / per credit
El Máster WAVES (acrónimo de ondas, acústica, vibraciones, ingeniería y sonido) es un máster internacional de dos años de duración, totalmente impartido en inglés, que otorga múltiples títulos de máster nacionales y un suplemento de diploma conjunto con el apoyo del programa Erasmus Mundus de la Unión Europea.
Es el primer Máster en especialización en acústica que recibe el título de Máster Conjunto Erasmus Mundus por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. Como tal, pretende atraer a estudiantes internacionales que combinen una alta motivación, capacidad académica superior al promedio, compromiso con la tarea y creatividad para beneficiarse de una de las capacitaciones de más alta calidad en acústica y desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para integrar con éxito grupos industriales o laboratorios de investigación científica.
Ideal Students
Students Who Hold a Bachelor's Degree in The Field of Acoustics, Including Among Others the Degrees in Telecommunications Systems Engineering, Sound and Image, the Degree in Industrial Engineering, the Degree in Industrial Engineering, the Degree in Mechanical Engineering, the Degree in Architecture, as Well as Others Expressly Declared as Equivalent.
The WAVES International Master's Degree curriculum is developed through a two-year program, four semesters, each consisting of 30 ECTS. The structure of the program is as follows:
- 1st Semester (taught at the University of Coimbra, Portugal). It focuses on engineering applications and teaches fundamentals and acoustics methods that allow addressing problems that arise in common practical situations. During this semester emphasis will be placed on the structural dynamics and building acoustics
- 2nd Semester (taught at the Universitat Politècnica de València, Gandia campus, Spain). Strengthening of fundamental knowledge and introduction to a wider range of numerical and experimental methods. Specialization in a variety of acoustics fields will also be addressed: psychoacoustics, electroacoustics, room acoustics, ultrasound, musical acoustics, and underwater acoustics
- 3rd Semester (taught at the Aix-Marseille University and the École Centrale Marseille, France). Dedicated to the specialization in acoustic engineering of tomorrow: environmental engineering acoustics, complex media, non-linear systems, metamaterials, etc
- 4th Semester (eligible destination). There are 20 institutional partners and 21 industrial partners worldwide that offer opportunities to develop the final master's dissertation.
The program has been designed to suggest a personalized combination of face-to-face traditional teaching through practical work sessions and more innovative approaches, such as inverted classrooms, problem-based lectures, and group projects. Students will benefit from the participation of visiting academics and guest speakers, as well as professors and researchers from collaborating entities.
Finally, the associated laboratories and industrial partners will provide a wide range of internships and job opportunities and a large network of contacts at the international level.
Program Outcome
Its objective is to provide students with a wide range of scientific knowledge and skills in the field of Acoustic Engineering, from advanced modelling of wave phenomena to the sustainable development of silent transport systems in urban areas. Graduates will gain valuable international experience to tackle the growing challenges that tomorrow's acoustic engineers will face in industrial and academic contexts. They will help reduce the environmental impact of noise, improve the performance of sound equipment systems or improve the ultrasonic devices used in modern medicine. These fields are a source of highly qualified jobs in a large number of industrial sectors such as transport (aeronautics, automotive and rail), buildings and infrastructure, energy (structural monitoring of nuclear power plants, wind farms...), audio systems and musical instruments, oceanography and geophysics.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.