Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Public Law
1 Years
Full time, Part time
31 Jan 2025
09 Sep 2025
EUR 7,200 *
* precios vigentes para el curso 23/24
The Master in Advanced Studies in Public Law offers students the development of knowledge and skills for the challenges faced by future advanced legal researchers: the need to address complex problems in a constantly changing international context that creates uncertainty and, consequently, requires solutions provided by solid knowledge with an intense component of specialization, but also of interdisciplinarity.
Once the Master's degree is completed, students can directly access the Doctoral Program .
The Master's degree also offers curricular internships in public or non-profit institutions, so that students can put into practice the knowledge and skills they have acquired.
El Máster en Cifras
- Highly qualified and specialized teaching staff: 100% PhDs, 80-90% professors and university tenured professors.
- Internationalization of students: 80% of foreign students.
- Wide range of electives: more than 12 subjects so that students can choose subjects adapted to their profile.
- Research training: completion of 1 research project and 1 master's thesis, supported by tutors.
- Program quality: 4.27/5 overall student satisfaction.
Scholarships and Funding
The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid is offering 5 full grants to carry out studies for the Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Public Law in the 2024/2025 academic year, which gives access to doctoral programs at UC3M.
- The full grants will include the corresponding academic fees, as well as an annual stipend of €11,500.
To apply for the grant, it is necessary to have been admitted to the master's degree or to have formalized the application for admission to the Master's degree.
General Description
The master's curriculum is structured into five subjects:
- Subject 1: Studies of Legal Theory, Methodology and History
- Subject 2: Current problems of Public Law
- Subject 3: Public Law and Globalization
- Subject 4: Practices
- Subject 5: Introduction to legal research
Of the 52 optional ECTS credits offered, a total of 24 ECTS credits must be taken, corresponding to 6 optional subjects, which must be chosen from Subject 2 (Current Problems of Public Law), Subject 3 (Public Law and Globalization) and Subject 4 (External Internships).