Master's Degree in Communication Research
1 Years
Full time, Part time
31 Jan 2025
09 Sep 2025
EUR 5,044 *
* precios vigentes para el curso 23/24
The emergence of new information and communication technologies and, especially, the widespread implementation of the Internet as a common resource for global and interpersonal communication have substantially reconfigured the nature of the communication field, although it is no less true that "traditional" media such as the press, radio, film or television are also undergoing a new definition - and often reinvention - to adapt to what has been called the era of media convergence.
It is precisely the need to confront these rich and, at times, radical transformations that serves as the basis for the proposals of this Master in Communication Research . A master's degree that was born with the vocation of contributing to providing answers to the new theoretical and methodological needs in this field, but which also aspires to promote forms of research that respond to the continuous demands of the business world, both in the field of journalism and information as well as in that of audiovisual communication.
El Máster en Cifras
- 25 places, maximum of 12 students in the electives
- 20 professors with high research capacity in their respective fields
- Possibility of choosing from a wide range of optional subjects (11) , so that the student can define his or her own itinerary
- High student satisfaction rate, according to evaluation surveys conducted in each course
Scholarships and Funding
UC3M Full Grants for Master's Studies for the 2024/2025 academic year
The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid is offering 7 full grants to carry out studies for the Master's Degree in Communication Research in the 2024/2025 academic year, which gives access to doctoral programs at UC3M.
- Las ayudas completas incluirán las tasas académicas correspondientes, así como una dotación anual de 11.500 €.
Para solicitar la ayuda es necesario haber sido admitido en el máster o haber formalizado la solicitud de admisión al Máster.
UC3M Tuition Grants for the 2024/2025 academic year
The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid is calling for 1 grant for the 2024-2025 academic year, aimed at new students of the Master's Degree in Applied Research in Media from non-Spanish university centers associated with the Ibero-American Postgraduate University Association (AUIP) , with the following endowment:
- Ayuda de matrícula por el importe de las tasas académicas correspondientes
- Bolsa o ayuda de estudios de 1.500 €
Para solicitar la ayuda es necesario haber formalizado la solicitud de admisión al Máster.
The curriculum is based on a common compulsory general training module of 27 ECTS, and a master's thesis of 9 ECTS. In addition, optional training comprises 24 ECTS credits, to be chosen by the student from among a range of 12 optional subjects. In total, 60 ECTS over the course of one academic year.
Complementos Formativos *
- Introduction to the study of Social Communication
Curso 1 - Cuatrimestre 1
- Research Methodology in the Field of Media Communication
- Research Methodologies in Film, Television and New Media
- New theoretical frameworks of communication
- Research Methodologies from the Perspective of Cultural Change
- Introduction to Research. Academic writing workshop and project presentation
- Representations in contemporary cinema and television
- New Business Models in Communication
- Emerging Journalism Profiles
- New Trends in Journalism in the Field of Content
Curso 1 - Cuatrimestre 2
- New Trends in Communication Studies
- The Role of Media in the Process of Social Change
- Geopolitics of Audiovisual
- Construction of Identity and Social Imaginaries in Current Film and Television
- The Research Agenda of Media Change: Problems and Challenges
- Audiovisual archaeology, memory and cinematographic heritage
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