Master's Degree in Computer Science
2 Years
English, Italian
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2025
Request tuition fees
The programme aims to provide advanced knowledge and professional skills suitable for carrying out research, design and coordination activities in the application areas of computer science, with particular reference to the commercial, industrial and scientific sectors. It trains professionals with high-level analytical and operational skills, having an open and critical view of the problems related to the adoption and use of Information Technology. Students can select all classes in English.
The graduate in Computer Science carries out the design, development, control and management of complex IT systems. The fundamental target of her/his activity is the constant improvement of IT systems in qualitative and economic terms, and the ability to propose in the application area in which she/he works the ceaseless innovations and technical improvements that characterize the discipline.
The master's degree course, therefore, aims to train professionals with high-level analytical and operational skills, but also having an open and critical view of the problems related to the adoption and use of Information Technology.
The Master in Computer Science ensures advanced graduates' training in the fundamental areas
that mainly characterize information technology:
- algorithms;
- languages;
- logical and formal methods;
- software development and design;
- information systems and data management;
- architectures and networks;
- intelligent systems;
- data analysis and optimization;
- signal and image processing, multimedia and social communication.
Year: 1
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
- English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS)
Year: 2
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Final Exam
Program Outcome
The master degree graduates have advanced theoretical knowledge and skills in the following learning areas:
- Algorithms, languages, logical and formal methods
- Software development and design
- Information systems and data management
- Architectures and networks
- Intelligent systems
- Data analysis and optimization
- Signal and image processing
- Multimedia and social communication
Knowledge and skills in the field of:
- Basic IT methods and principles
- Software design and development, particularly in relation to the most advanced development and design techniques and programming languages
- Information systems and data management
- Management of a company and of the processes involved in its functioning, information management in its various forms and representations, management of distributed services
- Digital architectures and methodologies for the processing of digital signals, radio networks for mobile terminals and sensors and architectures for distributed systems
- Advanced data analysis, the treatment of uncertain information, the planning and optimization of systems and processes
- Automatic reasoning and decision theory
- Algorithmic techniques for coding, compression, manipulation and analysis of images and signals
- Principles and methods for the study and design of IT systems for interaction and for digital communication
Graduates will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills to:
- Analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of complex IT systems operating in different application areas
- Use cognitive tools developed during the course to analyze and evaluate from a professional point of view the correctness and compliance of design choices as well as the effects of decisions on the functioning of IT systems
The student will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to:
- Solve new problems
- Design and develop any type of software for any environment
- Solve problems related to data management
- Address the development of wireless networks and digital architectures
- Extract knowledge from data collections or observations, to create predictive models based on observations, and to create systems for planning, optimization and control of processes
- Develop software for graphic manipulation and for the acquisition, representation and intelligent analysis of signals, images and videos
- Study and design of computer systems for digital interaction and communication
Graduates will have to acquire a full capacity to make aware and independent judgments on the decisions and design choices of the companies, organizations, and bodies.
Expected learning outcomes
- Ability to reason critically and to discuss design and implementation choices
- Develop autonomous and independent reasoning
- Awareness of the existence of different alternative methodological approaches for the design and analysis of systems, and understanding of the relevance of this plurality
- Critically evaluate the relevance and merits of alternative projects
- Critically evaluate and interpret evidence
- Argue their positions and communicate the results of their own analyses and evaluations in a clear and effective way
Expected learning outcomes
- Written communication skills, ability to present and evaluate critically in writing ideas and technique and methodological topics
- Ability to formulate and express orally complex technical and methodological arguments
- Ability to elaborate in an accomplished and consistent manner an original research dissertation on a complex topic
The program aims to lead the students to the frontier of research in some of the reference disciplinary areas.
Expected learning outcomes
- Ability to organize one's ideas critically and systematically
- Identify, select and collect information through the appropriate use of the relevant sources
- Use libraries, databases, archives and paper and electronic repertories to access relevant scientific and documentary information
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Researcher and Specialist in Basic Computer Science Research
Functions: Junior researcher associated with academic research groups, or laboratories of public and private bodies.
- In-depth awareness of the fundamentals of one's discipline and of the problems that characterize it with respect to other sciences
- Ability to elaborate and communicate original ideas in the field of basic computer science, particularly relating to the mathematical, logical, and statistical foundations of computation
- Design and analysis of algorithms in abstract and, depending on the paths followed during the degree course, in different disciplinary areas
Opportunities: In public and private research institutions, as well as in high-tech companies that develop new methodologies and innovative systems. Continuation of the course of studies with third-level training.
Application and System Software Analyst and Designer
Functions: High-responsibility roles in the public or private sector with respect to the coordination, management, and control of medium-sized computer systems projects. Autonomous professional activities.
- Mastery of different programming paradigms and languages
- Analysis and specification of requirements in software engineering
- Synthesis of programs and verification of the absence of errors within programs
- Verification of correctness with respect to specifications
- Control of resource use in sequential, object-oriented, concurrent, and distributed environments
- Knowledge of methodologies and architectures relevant to different areas of traditional IT, multimedia publishing, graphics and unconventional interaction, mobile and pervasive computing, social computing, web analytics, and digital marketing
Opportunities: Manufacturing companies, high-tech companies, and public and private organizations using complex IT systems to manage their data and processes.
System Analyst
Functions: Roles of high responsibility in the analysis and management of medium-large IT systems.
- Knowledge of advanced technologies to adapt them to business objectives
- Understanding of operating systems and network infrastructures
- Proficiency in Internet and intranet applications
- Familiarity with hardware and software architectures
- Understanding of organizational and business management models
- Knowledge of relational databases, Data Warehousing, and Data Mining
- Familiarity with ERP and CRM platforms
Opportunities: In all areas of the public and private sectors using information technologies, including industry, banks, insurance, logistics and transport, healthcare, public administration, new media, and service companies.
Specialist in Computer Networks and Communications
Functions: Roles of high responsibility and wide autonomy in medium-large telematic systems projects.
- Ability to analyze, design, test, evaluate, and optimize the performance of networks and network systems
- Advanced knowledge in IT sectors such as distributed systems, information systems, security, and web technologies
- Design of advanced systems and applications in innovative contexts, mobile, and complex systems
- Acquisition of advanced skills for solving problems and learning innovative methodologies and technologies
Opportunities: In all areas of the public and private sectors using communication technologies, including industry, banks, logistics and transport, healthcare, public administrations, new media, service companies, and digital marketing.