Master's Degree in Contemporary Spanish Language and Literature
1 Years
Full time, Part time
31 Jan 2025
09 Sep 2025
EUR 5,044 *
* precios vigentes para el curso 23/24
The Master's Degree in Contemporary Spanish Language and Literature aims to study and analyse the most relevant linguistic and literary phenomena in the Hispanic world over the last twenty years. It aims to deepen knowledge of literature written in Spanish – in Spain and America – from 1996 to the present day and to reflect on the regulations and use of Spanish today.
The Master's degree aims to train people interested in contemporary Spanish language, literature and culture with a view to teaching or other professional activities related to the subject.
The subjects are organized according to a thematic criterion, which allows for a transversal approach to issues related to current Spanish culture. The approach from which they are addressed will be interdisciplinary, so that the study of the topics is carried out from different perspectives and points of view.
Classes in these subjects will be complemented by practical activities for students, based primarily on reading a wide corpus of contemporary literary and linguistic texts written in Spanish, studying a supporting and reference bibliography, writing exercises and essays, and preparing oral presentations to be given to classmates and teachers.
El Máster en Cifras
- The master's degree has been included in El Mundo's Best Master's Degrees 2021 ranking, occupying 4th position in the Literature specialty.
- 7th edition of the Master
- Increase in the number of students in previous editions: 26, 33, 42
- Increase in the number of applications
- Considerable number of graduates from previous editions who are currently pursuing the doctoral program
Scholarships and Funding
8th Edition of the Rocío Orsi Award for Master's Thesis
The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid announces the VIII Edition of the Rocío Orsi Award for Master's Thesis. This award is open to all students who have presented, defended and obtained an outstanding grade or honors, as well as the credits corresponding to the Master's Thesis (TFM), during the period between February 1 and September 30, 2023 , in the official programs linked to the Faculty of Humanities, Communication and Documentation.
- Prize amount: €500
The Master's Degree in Contemporary Spanish Language and Literature has a curriculum of 60 ECTS credits. There are 4 compulsory subjects worth 6 ECTS (24 credits) and 6 other optional subjects, also worth 6 ECTS each, from which the student must choose 4 (24 ECTS). The Master's Final Project (12 ECTS) completes the degree programme.
Curso 1 - Cuatrimestre 1
- State of the art in contemporary Spanish linguistics studies
- State of the art in contemporary Spanish literature studies
- Linguistic heterogeneity: from standard to linguistically marked texts
- Utopias and dystopias in contemporary Spanish literature. Borders and migrations
- Images and representation: the representation of the body. Images of sexuality
Curso 1 - Cuatrimestre 2
- Power relations in the social production of literary and non-literary discourses
- Literature and history: memory and representation
- The specificity of literary expression as a communicative practice
- The communication process. Verbal and non-verbal expression. Writing and speaking
- Normative discourses and linguistic ecology. Analysis of current discourses
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