Master's Degree in Cosmetic Industrial Science
2 Years
Full time
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The Master's degree programme in Cosmetic Industrial Science (CosmIS) aims to train a graduate with advanced skills in the research, development, industrial production, quality control and marketing of cosmetic products. This graduate will be immediately ready for placement in qualified positions, at different levels within cosmetic companies. The skills and the competencies necessary for the achievement of such goals are acquired through:
- theoretical lectures, most of which complemented by laboratory activities, also conveyed through innovative teaching methods;
- an internship, lasting at least 6 months, to be carried out preferably in cosmetic companies, in Italy or abroad.
With reference to the aforementioned objectives, the Master's degree programme provides students with knowledge of:
- key formulation ingredients, i.e., inorganic, organic, polymeric and functional ingredients of cosmetic products, with their specific activity;
- physiology and specific functions of the skin and its annexes;
- formulation of semisolid, liquid and solid preparations for the development of skincare, hygiene and make-up products;
- technologies applied to the manufacturing and packaging of cosmetic products;
- regulatory provisions and skills for placing a new cosmetic product on the market, according to the European guidelines;
- microbiological risk assessment and alternative protocols for the relevant toxicological characterization;
- quality assessment and stability monitoring of cosmetic products;
- marketing and communication, business plan and project financial evaluation relevant to cosmetic products.
During the internship, students are expected to develop a personal project on a topic consistent with the Master's degree programme. This internship is also intended to acquire teamwork aptitudes, critical abilities, and communication skills. At the end of the internship, the student will write a Master's degree thesis in English to be presented and discussed during the final examination.
The degree in CosmIS will be conferred to students who have acquired interdisciplinary knowledge and comprehension skills in all the areas covered by their training, particularly in the chemical, chemical/pharmaceutical, biochemical/toxicological, pharmaceutical/technological and legislative fields related to the development and manufacturing of cosmetic products, and expertise in the scientific approach to solving problems typical of the profession.
Year: 1
Physiology and Biochemistry of Skin and Skin Annexes + Microbiological Contamination and Controls
First semester
- Inorganic Ingredients
- Organic Ingredients
- Polymeric Ingredients
Second semester
- Decorative Cosmetics Development
- Functional Ingredients
- Skincare and Personal Hygiene Products Development + Regulatory Affairs
- Toxicology and Risk Assessment
Year: 2
Optional: Experimental Laboratory
First semester:
- Analysis of Cosmetic Ingredients and Products
- Marketing and Communication + Business Plan and Project Financial Evaluation
- Technologies for Manufacturing and Packaging (materials and processes)
Second semester:
- Cosmetology in Prototypic Skin Conditions
- Nutricosmetics
Open sessions:
- Additional Language Skills: Italian (3 ECTS)
Conclusive activities
- Thesis Work
- Final Examination
- Additional Thesis Work
Program Outcome
Knowledge and understanding
The Master's degree programme in CosmIS covers four disciplinary areas: chemistry, industrial chemistry, economy, and technology, and biology, thus providing students with specific knowledge in:
- The chemical and functional characteristics of cosmetic ingredients
- Formulating stable, safe cosmetic products capable of effectively maintaining the health status of target organs (skin and skin annexes)
- Quality controls and reference standards for the marketing of cosmetic products
Moreover, students become familiar with both the internal organization and development/internationalization strategies of a cosmetic company and are provided with useful tools to develop new business ideas.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
Being provided with theoretical lectures and complementary laboratory activities, students will be able to:
- Select the appropriate ingredients for the formulation of different types of cosmetic products and rationalize/argue their use, critically evaluating possible interactions, incompatibilities, or synergies, depending on their chemical/physical nature and on the required functionality of the cosmetic to be made
- Design and prepare new ingredients and products for the cosmetic market, that are sustainable and compliant with the cosmetic industry regulations as well as respond to specific market trends and emerging consumer requests
- Select and apply the most suitable instrumental techniques for quality control
- Master concepts, contents, and languages, both technical and related to the business world, that will promote fruitful interaction with national and international stakeholders
Making judgments
Autonomy of judgment will be achieved by the students through a guided path, during the whole activities of the Master's degree programme, based on:
- Exercises and laboratory activities.
- Participation of the students, who will be asked to raise questions and give their opinions, thus stimulated to develop critical sense.
- Theoretical management of practical problems related to cosmetic product formulation, production, and commercialization.
- Critical discussions and active peer comparison working in groups.
The acquisition of autonomy of judgment will be verified through written/oral examinations, practical activities in the classroom (e.g., problem-solving activities), and final laboratory tests, and will be completed with the performance of an internship under the supervision of an academic tutor. During this final activity, the student will have to demonstrate a degree of autonomy and planning skills, that will be assessed during the final exam.
Communication skills
At the end of the Master's degree programme, the student will be able to communicate/disseminate, both at a popular and specialized level, in a clear and effective manner, content related to the entire production chain of a cosmetic product. He/she will, therefore, be able to interface in scientific-professional contexts with specialized and non-specialized personnel. In addition, he/she will be able to present new cosmetics to the public and also promote their sales in collaboration with marketing and sales offices.
Communication skills will be achieved by the student through critical discussions promoted during lectures, presentation of individual works in the form of scheduled lectures and/or examinations, classroom exercises, and active peer discussion. The communication skills achieved will be evidenced at the end of the studies by the presentation and discussion of the Master's degree thesis.
Learning skills
All the educational activities of the Master's degree programme in CosmiS guide the students in acquiring learning skills that enable them to keep their knowledge, professional skills, and abilities up-to-date, even when they enter the world of work. At the end of the study programme, students have acquired the ability to access technical information found in industry-specific databases and related manuals, as well as in the main search engines of scientific literature, aiming to implement and update their professional background and answer the most common technical, regulatory, and scientific questions.
Foreign students will be able to achieve an Italian language proficiency of A2 level (Common European Framework of Reference).
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Graduate students in CosmIS will reach a high degree of autonomy in the work environment, allowing them to hold positions of high responsibility in companies focused on the synthesis/production/marketing of cosmetic raw materials and on the formulation/development and production of skincare, hygiene, and make-up products, their packaging, related sales, and control/safety. They may also assume responsibilities as project or lab leaders in academic research laboratories or find employment in agencies responsible for the development of technical regulations and quality certification of cosmetic products. Studies conducted in English will enable graduates to meet the challenges of the global economy, facilitating their immediate entry into the job market.
The specific career outlets within the cosmetics industry
Research and development (R&D) and production specialist
- He/She defines development issues and research programs, in tune with company strategies; designs/formulates new small-scale products studying their tech-transfer and industrialization, proposes the necessary technical resources, budget, and investment for the project. This professional has
- Technical/scientific skills
- Ability to process, interpret, and evaluate the experimentally obtained results
- Ability to design, plan, manage, and motivate the workgroups he/she coordinates
Quality Specialist
- He/She supervises the quality assurance system in the cosmetic company, i.e., he/she develops protocols for analyzing and controlling the quality of processes, coordinates the departments involved in the manufacture of the product to ensure that the quality system is efficiently organized and documented, ensures that inspections are periodically planned and properly performed to evaluate the effectiveness and applicability of the quality assurance system. This professional has
- Technical/scientific knowledge
- Ability to analyze and synthesize data, coordinate and manage human resources and any critical issues
- Aptitude toward teamwork combined with the ability to work cross-functionally in various business areas
- Knowledge of the regulations and methodologies necessary for product quality control
Regulatory Specialist
- He/She is responsible for the collection, processing, updating, and reporting disclosure, as required by the relevant regulations, of all information relating to the safety of cosmetic ingredients and products, including post-marketing. He/she is an expert in the authorization procedures for the marketing of products and sets up and maintains documentation in support of the application, interfacing when necessary with the in-charge regulatory bodies. This professional combines in-depth technical/scientific knowledge with regulatory knowledge, possesses skills in analysis, coordination, and management of critical issues, and has an aptitude for teamwork.
Specialist in cosmetics market relations (cosmetic informant)
- He/She conveys scientific knowledge about cosmetic ingredients and products in the areas of the cosmetics company more specifically dedicated to sales. In this respect, he/she is the reference person from which marketers learn the essential technical information for the correct promotion of the products. He/she fosters dialogue and synergy between different areas such as research and development, production, and marketing. This professional has technical/scientific knowledge, basic business administration and marketing skills, business skills, knowledge of technical English and computer abilities, willingness to travel, communication skills, and resourcefulness.
The Master's degree in CosmIS gives access to Doctoral programs open to graduates of the LM71 class and particularly to the PhD program in Pharmaceutical Sciences, already active at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, with the option of developing a research project in cosmetic science.