Master's Degree in Cultural, Intellectual and Visual History
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2025
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The Master's Degree in Cultural Intellectual and Visual History, entirely delivered in English, aims to provide students with a solid preparation that combines historical knowledge from antiquity to the contemporary age, rigorous methods, critical thinking and familiarity with digital technologies. For the first year classes will be exclusively “in-person”, while for the second year classes will be “online” with the exception of specific activities, i.e. laboratories, possible meetings with the thesis supervisor, tutoring activities, and educational trips.
The focus on cultural studies allows them to acquire specific interpretive keys in the analysis of reality, in its diachronic and synchronic, national and transnational dimensions: you will study the ideas and artefacts, institutions and practices, beliefs and behaviours that have contributed to forming and transforming the cultural physiognomy of societies, especially European ones, in their variety and distinctiveness, from antiquity to the present, together with the factors, material and intellectual, that have helped to delineate, in different times and places, different ways of interpreting associated life, in the articulation of roles and identities.
The course is divided into two years of 60 ECTS each, and involves the "mixed" mode - that is, with remote lectures for about 50 per cent of the total.
The first year will be entirely carried out at the university site in Milan, with exclusively in-person classes (the only exception will be the language course for the achievement of the C1 English level delivered remotely by the SLAM University Language Center). Instead, the online mode will be reserved for the second year, with the exception of specific activities that will remain present and will be delivered in concentrated periods of time, i.e. laboratories, possible meetings with the thesis supervisor, tutoring activities, and educational trips.
Year: 1
- Advanced Language Skills: Anglo-American
- Ancient Documents in Their Visual and Performative Context
- Computational Methods and Techniques for Historical and Cultural Studies
- Cultural History of the Modern Period
- Intellectuals, Popular Culture, Collective Identities: Italy and Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- Workshop: Iconology and Iconography
Optional activities and study plan rules
- History of Law
- Global Intellectual History
- Representations of V
Year: 2
- Printed Books: a Cultural History of Publishing, Reading, and Preserving
- Words, Rituals, and Images: Cultures and Media in the Middle Ages
- Finale Examination
Optional activities and study plan rules
- One exam to choose from:
- Image Theories and Visual History
- Wars of Images
- Image Theories and Visual History
- Wars of Images
- Elective course
- One activity to choose from:
- Internship
- Workshop: Clothing and Costume in the Sources. from the Early Middle Ages to the Modern Age
- Internship
- Workshop: Clothing and Costume in the Sources. from the Early Middle Ages to the Modern Age
- One activity to choose from:
- Additional Language Skills: Italian
- Workshop: Forenames and Surnames as Sources of Cultural History
- Additional Language Skills: Italian
- Workshop: Forenames and Surnames as Sources of Cultural History
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Museum communicator and cultural heritage manager
- Function in a working context: The highly qualified training of MA graduates in Cultural, Intellectual and Visual History allows them to collaborate in the development of programmes for the promotion of cultural heritage and external communication of public and private administrations active in the field of cultural heritage, using all the advanced technological tools deemed appropriate to reach different target groups. The graduate will also be able to take care of internal communication within organisations and institutions and relations with private and public partners, collaborate in promoting cultural venues and events, and manage relations with the media and citizens.
- Skills associated with the function: Operators in the sector have organisational and communication skills; they are able to assess the potential of enhancing cultural heritage (tangible and intangible), defining and monitoring the appropriate strategies to be implemented, also through the use of information technologies; they have skills for the preparation of a communication plan and its implementation (drafting of press releases; maintenance and implementation of mailing lists; creation of images and content for social media and other web platforms, etc.). They can contribute to the creation of multimedia and multisensory cultural itineraries and installations suitable for communication and use also by people with disabilities.
- Career possibilities: They work in the public and private sectors, holding positions of responsibility, such as those of museum communicators and documentary heritage managers. Specifically, they work in archives and libraries, museums, private foundations and public administrations in charge of the conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, especially as promotion and communication managers.
Author of historical content
- Function in a working context: Production of historical content for popular texts, school texts, television programmes, stage sets, documentaries, and multimedia productions.
- Skills associated with the function: Qualified knowledge of historical processes and mastery of the subject; high level of writing ability in relation to the different registers required (scientific, didactic, popular); critical ability to link events and to interpret the available sources; ability to elaborate digital content and to communicate through various types of media.
- Career possibilities: Writer; editor of critical and didactic texts in the historical area; editor in historical magazines, both print and web; TV author for documentaries and historical programmes; author for multimedia productions.
Corporate heritage manager
- Function in a working context: Management and communication of corporate heritage within companies, banks, corporate foundations, organisation and management of corporate museums and archives; management of relations with the public and institutional stakeholders, at national and international levels; organisation of events and cultural initiatives; management of internal communication and enhancement of corporate culture.
- Skills associated with the function: Language and communication skills; high-profile historical education; the ability to analyse, classify and relate historical sources of various kinds (industrial projects and objects, administrative and accounting documents); the ability to convey the contents of cultural history in a globalised context; social media management; the ability to understand and mediate between different cultural contexts.
- Career possibilities: Head of corporate archives and museums; head of corporate heritage, corporate image, identity and communication; institutional relations.
Researchers in cultural institutions
- Function in a working context: Cataloguing, inventorying and studying documentary heritage; research activities and dissemination of results to different audiences; fundraising activities through the elaboration of research projects for the participation in national and international competitive tenders.
- Skills associated with the function: Advanced level historical training applicable to the preservation and management of documentary heritage and to the elaboration of autonomous historical research contributions, mainly in the fields of cultural, intellectual and visual history; project skills suitable for participation in national and international competitive calls; organisational skills in relation to events for the dissemination of research results both scientific and educational.
- Career possibilities: Research activities and dissemination of results at foundations, research and training centres, and documentation centres, especially those endowed with image and photographic archives.