Master's Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering and Applications
1 Years
Full time, Part time
31 Jan 2025
09 Sep 2025
EUR 7,200 *
* precios vigentes para el curso 23/24
Electronic systems and associated components are found in all electronic products, from computers and mobile phones to cars and buildings. The intelligence provided by microelectronic, nanoelectronic and photonic systems account for a significant part of the global economy and their role will increase as future products and services become more digital and connected. Power electronics provide them with competitive advantages by increasing their autonomy and improving their energy efficiency.
The aim of the master's degree is for students to acquire advanced scientific and technological knowledge about electronic systems and related technologies. To this end, they will be trained in a set of theoretical principles, formal methods and technological instruments that will enable them to carry out the development of an electronic system in a professional environment, as well as to initiate research and innovation tasks in this area.
Once the master's degree has been completed, those students who have completed 300 ECTS (or equivalent training) can apply for admission to the Doctorate in Electrical, Electronic and Automatic Engineering.
El Máster en Cifras
- Maximum 30 students per class
- Around 30% of students enjoy a scholarship
- High employability rate
Scholarships and Funding
Ayudas Completas UC3M Al Estudio De Máster para el curso 2024/2025
The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid is offering 7 full grants to carry out studies for the Master's Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering and Applications in the 2024/2025 academic year, which gives access to UC3M doctoral programs.
- Las ayudas completas incluirán las tasas académicas correspondientes, así como una dotación anual de 11.500 €.
Para solicitar la ayuda es necesario haber sido admitido en el máster o haber formalizado la solicitud de admisión al Máster.
Ayudas de Matrícula UC3M para el curso 2024/2025
Para el curso académico 2024-2025 se ha realizado una convocatoria de un máximo de 3 ayudas para el abono de las tasas netas de la matrícula para los estudiantes aceptados en el Máster, con la siguiente dotación:
- 3 ayudas por un importe de 1.500 €
Para solicitar la ayuda es necesario haber formalizado la solicitud de admisión al Máster.
The Master's Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering and Applications is taught over one academic year with a set of 21 ECTS of compulsory subjects, 27 ECTS of optional subjects and 12 ECTS of the Master's Final Project (TFM). The optional subjects are distributed in 2 training itineraries, each represented by a specific subject. Students can choose one itinerary if they take at least 12 ECTS of the proposed offer in it. Likewise, students can choose to combine subjects from both itineraries. The itineraries contemplated are:
- Electronic systems itinerary (I1). This itinerary is intended for students who will be able to design a complete electronic system, identifying its different blocks, specifying and designing based on new technologies and components.
- Components and subsystems itinerary (I2). This itinerary is intended for students who want to acquire knowledge of the latest advances in electronic/photonic components and the design tools for electronic subsystems, both microelectronic and integrated optics.
As a complement to the training offered in the itineraries, an optional subject related to the field of electronic systems applications and new trends is offered, of a dynamic nature according to the evolution of the sector. It is also possible to take optional credits associated with mobility activities, internships in companies or seminars given by recognised experts in the professional and/or research field. Those students who wish to undertake the design of a more complex electronic system can choose the subject Experimental Projects II, increasing the total experimental load.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.