Master's Degree in Finance and Economics (MEF)
2 Years
Full time
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The study program is designed to provide students with a solid background through the development of topics of economic theory, analysis of financial markets and the theory of decision-making. Students will all follow the compulsory courses during the first year while specialising either in quantitative finance or quantitative economics during their second year. The whole programme is taught in English.
The first-year courses, common to both curricula, also provide capabilities in statistics, mathematics and computational techniques for the analysis of financial data and economic time series, also involving the use of latest-generation software for Statistical Analysis and Calculus.
The second year of the master's program is organized into two curricula:
- the first curriculum, named Quantitative Finance, is aimed at preparing financial specialists capable of operating in the areas of pricing of derivatives, portfolio management, risk management and control in the financial sector intended in a broad sense;
- the second one, named Quantitative Economics, is dedicated to the training of professional economists capable of operating at national/international, public/private institutions (including the academia) or at the level of central government in both the financial and economic spheres.
Curriculum: Quantitative Finance
Year: 1
First Trimester:
- Financial Investments: Module I, Portfolio Theory; Module II, Portfolio Management
- Mathematical Methods for Finance
- Statistical Methods for Finance
Second Trimester
- Advanced Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
- Econometrics
Third Trimester
- Data Mining and Computational Statistics
- International Economic Law
Year: 2
First Trimester:
- Financial Economics
- Risk Management
- Financial Report Lab
Second trimester
- Financial Markets and Financial Crises: a Historical Approach
- Numerical Methods for Finance and Portfolio Optimization
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
- Final Exam
Curriculum: Quantitative Economics
Year: 1
First Trimester
- Financial Investments: Module I, Portfolio Theory; Module Ii, Portfolio Management
- Mathematical Methods for Finance
- Statistical Methods for Finance
Second Trimester
- Advanced Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
- Econometrics
Third trimester
- Data Mining and Computational Statistics
- International Economic Law
Year: 2
First Trimester
- Financial Economics
- Financial Report Lab
Second Trimester
Financial Markets and Financial Crises: a Historical Approach
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
- Macro and econometrics for finance
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
- Final Exam
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
The master course in Finance and Economics aims at forming the following professional profiles:
Profile: Consultant and financial adviser
Functions: the professionals included in this category make suggestions for investment and give technical advice to managers on whom they depend functionally; assist the management of financial investments through the economic and financial analysis of market data; propose predictive models of economics, financial times series and provide guidance for the calibration of theoretical models using market data.
Skills: baggage of theoretical knowledge and operational tools aimed at evaluating financial Investments, as well as financial and credit risks.
Career opportunities: They operate in the office of financial management of banks, investment firms, investment funds, commercial and investment banks, and financial intermediaries, for research and financial statement purposes. They also work as private consultants.
Profile: Operator and analyst of financial markets
Functions: the figures included in this category act directly on behalf of their company in the financial markets or as brokerage agents, also assist the company in the interaction with the regulatory authorities in the markets thanks to a thorough knowledge of the rules that govern them.
Skills: baggage of theoretical knowledge and legal advice for the management of financial investments, the execution and management of contracts; and ability to operate on traditional and digital markets.
Career opportunities: They operate in the office of financial management of banks, investment firms, investment funds, commercial and investment banks, and financial intermediaries, for research and financial statement purposes.
Profile: Academic researcher, or researcher in research departments within economic and financial institutions, both national and international
Functions: the occupations included in this category exercise active research functions of high responsibility in the fields of finance and economics within institutions and firms (both private and public, national and international).
Skills: baggage of theoretical knowledge in the economic-legal-financial fields aimed at doing active research (both theoretical and applied) in economic institutions and private companies, or else in banking and financial institutions operating in national and international contexts.
Career opportunities: They operate in universities, research centres, research departments of public/private firms, research departments of banks and similar institutions, or research departments of international and governmental institutions.