Master's Degree in Financial Sector Technologies: Fintech
1 Years
Full time
31 Jan 2025
09 Sep 2025
EUR 9,000 *
* precios vigentes para el curso 23/24
In recent years, there has been an exponential increase in the demand for professionals trained in technologies applied to financial markets (FinTech). The Master's Degree in Financial Sector Technologies: FinTech (MUFintech ) arises from the need of various companies in the Fintech field to have adequately trained professionals. Among the promoters, collaborators and sponsors of this degree are Accenture, Arfima Trading, BBVA, MSO, NTTData and VASS . The teaching staff is made up of experts from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and professionals from companies and institutions as relevant as the European Securities and Exchange Authority, BBVA, Bolsas y Mercados Españoles, VASS, Grupo CIMD, Santander Corporate & Investment Banking or the Witnet Foundation.
MUFinTech offers academic internships in partner companies, many of which are paid. There are also tuition grants . The job placement rate in the last two academic years has been 100%, in many cases in partner companies through employment contracts that are fully compatible with class attendance.
MUFinTech provides the technological and financial training necessary to work in the FinTech field and is aimed at both recent graduates and professionals in the sector. The international atmosphere of the master's degree encourages the creation of a strong professional network among students. 100% of students from the last class would recommend enrolling in MUFinTech. In addition, being an official master's degree, it allows students to begin a future research career.
MUFinTech is taught in the centre of Madrid, at the Puerta de Toledo Campus. Face-to-face classes, on Mondays and Fridays from 4 to 9 pm, are complemented by independent work sessions for students.
El Máster en Cifras
- 100% job placement rate in the last two years
- 100% of students from the last promotion recommend enrolling in MUFinTech
- In-person classes: Monday and Friday from 4 to 9 p.m.
Scholarships and Funding
For the academic year 2024-2025, a call has been made for a maximum of 3 grants for the payment of net tuition fees for students accepted into the Master's degree, with the following allocation:
- 3 grants for an amount of €1,500
Para solicitar la ayuda es necesario haber formalizado la solicitud de admisión al Máster.
Complementos Formativos *
- Databases and Data Warehouse
- Programming in
- Java programming
Curso 1 - Cuatrimestre 1
- Introduction to Financial Markets
- High Performance Programming
- Financial Sector TechnologiesInformation Systems
- Big Data
Curso 1 - Cuatrimestre 2
- Prácticas en Empresa
- Choose 18 optional ECTS
- Technological Infrastructures
- Financial Regulation
- Front-Office Algorithms
- Back-Office Algorithms
- Data Analysis
- Decision Support Systems
- Financial Software Engineering and Management
- Creating technology-based companies in the financial sector
- BlockChain and Security Technologies
Trabajo Fin de Máster
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.