Master's Degree in Hispanic Cultural Heritage
1 Years
Full time, Part time
31 Jan 2025
09 Sep 2025
EUR 5,044 *
* precios vigentes para el curso 23/24
Traces of the cultural past are so present in the world today that without understanding them it is difficult to understand our way of life, our beliefs or our customs. We study this past in historical and cultural processes, in artistic manifestations and in the structure and architecture of cities.
Cultural heritage has generally been studied as a historical-artistic heritage or as an activity of ethnological or folkloric interest. However, it is also possible to reintegrate it in its social significance. In this sense, the Master's Degree in Hispanic Cultural Heritage is aimed at those interested in researching such topics through comprehensive cultural studies.
The Master's includes compulsory subjects such as the method and practical introduction to research itself; and optional subjects in which the legacy of different periods of history is studied, as well as the artistic, urban and landscape legacy. It is also possible to direct the interest of public administrators in the treatment, use and dissemination of cultural heritage, so that they are in a position to face the complex problems that arise from it.
This Master's Degree in Hispanic Cultural Heritage aims to look at these historical materials of different types and origins in a novel way, from a point of view that allows them to be considered together.
El Máster en Cifras
- 11th Edition of the Master
- 20 students maximum per class
- Students from 8 different nationalities
- Master's completion rate of 90%
Scholarships and Funding
UC3M Full Grants for Master's Studies for the 2024/2025 academic year
The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid is offering 4 full grants to carry out studies for the Master's Degree in Theory and Criticism of Culture in the academic year 2024/2025, which gives access to doctoral programs at UC3M.
- The full grants will include the corresponding academic fees , as well as an annual endowment of €11,500 .
To apply for the grant, it is necessary to have been admitted to the master's degree or to have formalized the application for admission to the Master's degree.
UC3M Tuition Grants for the 2024/2025 academic year
The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid is calling for 1 grant for the 2024-2025 academic year, aimed at new students of the Master's Degree in Theory and Criticism of Culture from non-Spanish university centers associated with the Ibero-American Postgraduate University Association (AUIP) , with the following endowment:
- Tuition assistance for the amount of the corresponding academic fees
- Scholarship or study grant of €1,500
To apply for the grant, it is necessary to have formalized the application for admission to the Master's degree.
Students will take 60 credits to obtain the Master's Degree in Hispanic Cultural Heritage, which will be scheduled in two semesters.
The student will take the compulsory core subject (6 ECTS), one of the two optional core subjects (6 ECTS) and six optional subjects (36 ECTS). The curriculum includes a Practical Introduction to Research (6 ECTS) and a Master's Final Project (6 ECTS).
Complementos Formativos *
- Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Cultural Heritage
Curso 1 - Cuatrimestre 1
- Theory and Method
- The Transmission of the Classical Legacy
- Records and Supports of Cultural Heritage
- The Scientific, Technical and Industrial Heritage
- Cultural Assessments of Landscape and Territory
- The Diffusion of Artistic Ideas and Their Ideological Implications
- Literature and Traditional Cultures
Curso 1 - Cuatrimestre 2
- Conservation of Cultural Assets
- Communication and Dissemination of Cultural Heritage
- The Cultural Legacy of the Middle Ages and the Modern Age
- Contemporaneity and the Discourse of Memory
- Museums, Collections and Exhibitions
- Intercultural Visions and Contacts
- The City as a Cultural Heritage
- Heritage and Tourism
- Practical introduction to research
- Trabajo Fin de Máster