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University of Geneva - Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance


The University of Geneva was Founded in 1559, enjoys worldwide recognition, and ranks amongst the top 100 best universities in the world. A polyvalent institution, it fosters the emergence of inter- and multidisciplinary fields in both research and teaching. It constantly strengthens its links with international Geneva, whilst contributing to the cultural, social, and economic development of the region, notably through the promotion of research and its expertise in a wide range of fields.

Founded in 1559, the University of Geneva enjoys worldwide recognition and ranks amongst the top 100 best universities in the world. A polyvalent institution, it fosters the emergence of inter- and multidisciplinary fields in both research and teaching. It constantly strengthens its links with international Geneva, whilst contributing to the cultural, social, and economic development of the region, notably through the promotion of research and its expertise in a wide range of fields.

UNIGE offers more than 500 programmes (including 136 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, and 87 doctoral programmes) and 343 continuing education programmes covering an extremely wide variety of fields: exact sciences, medicine, humanities, social sciences, law, etc.

Its domains of excellence in research include life sciences (molecular biology, bio-informatics), physics of elementary particles, and astrophysics. UNIGE is also host and co-host to seven National Centres of Competence in Research: Frontiers in Genetics, MaNEP, PlanetS, SwissMap, Chemical Biology, Synaptic Bases of Mental Diseases, and LIVES-Overcoming vulnerabilities in a life course perspective.

Just like the city of Geneva itself, the University enjoys a strong international reputation, both for the quality of its research (it ranks among the top institutions among the League of European Research Universities) and the excellence of its education. This acclaim has been won in part due to its strong ties to many national and international Geneva-based organisations, such as the World Health Organisation, the International Telecommunications Union, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the European Organisation for Nuclear Research.

Our Missions

The University of Geneva is situated at the heart of International Geneva, and our international strategy is set out both locally, through internationalizing our course offerings and continuously nurturing our close ties to IOs and NGOs based in Geneva, and on the world stage, through the development of partnerships and exchanges with other institutions and universities.

The Academic Exchange Service and the International Relations and Partnerships Service actively contribute to the implementation of UNIGE’s international strategy, particularly through the international promotion of the university and increasing its visibility as a world-class centre for teaching and research.


The University celebrated its 450th anniversary in 2009. Jean Calvin was the driving force behind the creation of the Geneva Academy in 1559, the precursor of the present university.

The Academy was originally conceived as a theological and humanist seminary, the guardian of Reform doctrine. During the Enlightenment distinguished scholars found inspiration here and new disciplines were introduced such as physical and natural sciences, law, and philosophy.

The Academy shed its ecclesiastical vocation during the political and social upheavals of the 19th century and, following the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine in 1873, it became a university.

Contemporary researchers continue to open up new frontiers of knowledge such as the discovery of exoplanets or superconducting materials while humanist values ​​are still strongly integrated into both research and teaching.

The UNIGE is also:

  • 19,078 students, 62% of whom are women
  • 9 Faculties and 13 interfaculty centres and institutes
  • 4'645 employees (FTE)
  • 613 study courses
  • 430 partner institutions in 73 countries
  • 175 joint projects with internationally renowned universities
  • 15 partnership agreements with major international and non-governmental organisations

    In addition to a network that is expanding every day in more than eighty countries, the approximately 10,000 members of UNIGE Alumni benefit - from a contribution of 50 francs per year (except new graduates who are exempt during the first year, and members abroad, except neighbouring France) - of a vast range of services and advantages.

      The University of Geneva is on place 49 in the Shanghai ranking 2023.

      • Geneva

        Boulevard du Pont-d'Arve, 40, 1211, Geneva



      University of Geneva - Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance