Moldova Technical University
Technical University of Moldova was founded in 1964 with initial name “Polytechnic Institute”, based on engineering and economic specialties transferred from Moldova State University. In first year of study (1964 – 1965) the university had 5140 students (of whom 2085 full-time students), grouped in five faculties: Electrotechnics, Mechanics, Technology, Constructions, Economics. The teaching staff numbered 278 teachers, of whom only 36 had academic degrees and scientific titles.
Technical University of Moldova was founded in 1964 with initial name “Polytechnic Institute”, based on engineering and economic specialties transferred from Moldova State University. In first year of study (1964 – 1965) the university had 5140 students (of whom 2085 full-time students), grouped in five faculties: Electrotechnics, Mechanics, Technology, Constructions, Economics. The teaching staff numbered 278 teachers, of whom only 36 had academic degrees and scientific titles.
In the next years, the university increased both quantitatively and qualitatively, became a great center of education, science and culture.
At present, the Technical University of Moldova has a contingent of about 9520 students (of whom 6095 full-time students), who study in 64 specialties and specializations, in 9 faculties: “Energetics and Electrical Engineering”, “Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, and Transport”, “Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics”, “Electronics and Telecommunications”, “Food Technology”, “Textiles and Polygraphy”, “Constructions, Geodesy and Cadastre”, “Urbanism and Architecture”, “Economic Engineering and Business”. At TUM is organized also the postgraduate education (1442 masters and 124 doctoral students), works the staff retraining and professional development courses. In the 51 years of existence there have been trained over 78 387 specialists. Within TUM, there functions a technical-scientific library with reading rooms, design offices, computer centers.
- Chisinau
Bulevardul Ștefan cel Mare și Sfînt,168, 2004, Chisinau