MS Digital Communication and E-Influence
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2024
Request tuition fees
Distance Learning, On-Campus
* MS 2 | MS 1: EUR 7700
Si la communication digitale touche toutes les entreprises, sa maîtrise n’en est pas pour autant instinctive !
Become a 360 communication ace! This two-year specialized course (Ms1 360 and digital communication and Ms2 Digital communication and e-influence) will teach you to choose the tools that will strategically achieve a company's communication objectives. You will learn to communicate differently, and you will leave with sufficiently professional, theoretical and practical background, in order to apply all your knowledge in the context of various projects and subsequently on the job market. Throughout the year, communication students have the chance to speak to associations, attend seminars, or even participate in an eloquence competition. With the e-influence specialty in the second year, dive into the world of influencers in order to expand your digital influence. This last specialization, which is still little offered in schools, is already a source of employment, and will give you real differentiation on the job market.
Program Outcome
- Define a digital communication strategy by defining the challenges of the organization's presence on the web
- Disseminate strategic content while internally relaying the comments and expectations of Internet users
- Manage the various external relationships with digital partners
- Propose solutions in terms of digital communication in order to optimize the use of new technologies
- Content marketing
- E-influence et Youtube
- Social media
- Communication d’influence
- Communication de crise & RP 2.0
- Ux design
- Stratégie digitale
- Management de projets digitaux
- RSE et communication sociale
- Stratégie de marque et branding
- Mobile creation (apps, filters, etc.)
- Media planning
Modalités d’évaluation
1ère année
- Étude de cas
- Contrôle continu
- Création de site web individuel
2ème année
- Étude de cas
- Contrôle continu
- Projet de développement (écrit + oral)
Program delivery
Formation Initiale
- Rentrée: Octobre (fin des candidatures : 5 janvier)
- Rentrée décalée: Janvier (fin des candidatures : 31 janvier)
- Rythme: 1 ou 2 jours à l’école par semaine
- Stage: 44 jours minimum en rythme alterné avec les cours
Formation en Alternance
- Rentrée: Octobre (fin des candidatures : 5 janvier)
- Rentrée décalée: Janvier (fin des candidatures : 31 janvier)
- Pace: 1 day at school and 4 days at work per week or 2 days at school and 3 days at work per week
Formation en Ligne
- Back to school: Any time of the year
- Rythme: 3 ou 4 jours en entreprise par semaine si formation en alternance (calendrier adaptable)
- Stage: 44 jours minimum si formation en initiale
Career Opportunities
- Consultant en stratégie numérique
- Digital communications manager
- Designer graphique
- Marketing director
- Copywriter
- Infographiste
- Développeur de site e-commerce
- Data scientist
- Responsable communication
- Internal communications manager
- Public relations officer
- Media planner
- Event project manager
- Chargé de communication
- Responsable en communication digitale
- Responsable de la stratégie mobile
- Social media strategist
- UX/UI designer