MSc Education (Mathematics Education)
Bristol, United Kingdom
1 Years
Full time, Part time
08 Aug 2025*
Sep 2025
GBP 28,200 / per year **
* home applicants| overseas applicants: 25 July 2025
** overseas full-time | home full-time: GBP 12,300 per year | home part-time two years: GBP 6,150 per year I home: part-time (three years): GBP 12,300 per year
This pathway is designed for UK and international mathematics teachers and other professionals working in mathematics education, from primary schools to higher education, or those working in community-based settings.
You will be supported in integrating the theory and practice of teaching and learning mathematics by:
- Being an active researcher of your own and others' practice, including reworking your practice;
- Carrying out small-scale research projects, one of which can act as a pilot project for the major work of your dissertation;
- Engaging with the research literature, especially the current journals and activity of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education;
- Engaging with new developments in teaching and learning mathematics;
- Updating your mathematics knowledge;
- Writing assignments that show the emergence of a theoretical frame, presenting a literature search and developing ideas from a seminar;
- I have become confident in my presentation, argumentation, research, and ICT skills.
The programme has been recognised as excellent by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics.
Postgraduate Online Event
from 25th November 2024- 4th of December 2025
Year 1
- Introduction to Educational Inquiry
- Teaching and Learning in Mathematics
- Curriculum Design and Development in School Mathematics
- Children Learning Mathematics - School-based Inquiry
- Dissertation
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
We offer academic and personal development opportunities to equip you for the intellectual, social and personal challenges you will encounter during your career.
Our overarching goal is to enable our education graduates to display the following characteristics:
- Equipped to demonstrate impact, excellence and distinctiveness in your chosen field;
- Visionary, imaginative, innovative, reflective and creative;
- With high ideals and values, including a strong sense of social justice;
- Highly employable throughout the world;
- Adaptable, with the potential to be a leader in work and in the community.
Program delivery
- One year full-time
- Two or three years of part-time
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.