MSc Electronics Systems for Embedded and Communicating Applications (ESECA)
Toulouse, France
2 Years
Full time
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EUR 9,000 / per year *
* reduction down to 5473 € per year for academic partners, European and selected students
This program is provided by INSA Toulouse and Toulouse INP
This master joint program between Toulouse INP-ENSEEIHT and INSA Toulouse is a gateway to jobs or doctoral research in electronics for embedded systems. It is aimed at students with a Bachelor degree in electronics, electrical engineering, telecommunications, computer science, robotics, physics or equivalent.
Major themes
Aeronautics and Space • Autonomous / connected vehicle • Transport • Robotics • Mechatronics • Embedded systems • Renewable energies • Smart grids • Smart city • Mobility • Connected objects • Electric networks • Health monitoring • IoT
Aims of the program
- Enroll top-level international students in the field of electronics.
- Provide the most up-to-date teaching in electronics for embedded systems, in tight relations to the aeronautics industry as well as prime-level research institutions.
- Graduate students who will take part in research activities as Ph.D. or R&D engineers will have an opportunity to build an international career.
Research Institutions and Industrial Partners
The lecturers are from the "Aerospace Valley", which regroups renown research laboratories (LAAS, Laplace, IRIT) and worldwide industry leaders in aeronautics, space and embedded systems (Airbus, Thales, Continental, Astrium, Rockwell Collins..).
The students can benefit from this partnership network in the framework of their project or the search for an internship.
- Masters of Science are national degrees fully accredited by the French ministry of higher education.
- Further studies: PhD program (3 years).
- All MSc Degree holders are allowable to take a step forward in the academic track to get the PhD degree.
- Pre-requisite: Bachelor’s degree.
- Holders of a Master’s degree can directly enter the second year under conditions.
- Toulouse INP and INSA Toulouse welcome many international students each year and are more than happy to help them for practical and administrative formalities.
- Tool’Box pack will take care of you from A to Z : You can get the « essentiel » pack with all options (except for guided tour) or « cité internationale » pack.
Scholarships and Funding
Toulouse INP offers scholarships through a reduction of fees.
Students can apply to different scholarship programs (governmental scholarships, European student mobility programs, French Eiffel and French embassies’ scholarship programs, and training support programs from private foundations and companies).
Semester 1 (M1): integration semester
Basics of Electronics, Electromagnetism, Maths (in collaboration with ENAC Toulouse), Si-gnal and Digital Communications
Semester 2 (M1): Core semester
Advanced Electronics, RF electronics, Optics, Telecommunication systems
Semester 3 (M2): Specialization semester
Advanced telecommunication techniques (Network & telecommunication protocols, Digital filter banks, Spread spectrum techniques, Digital communications receivers and SDR tech-nology, Modern coding).
Space techniques & Applications (satellite communications systems & markets, regulation & space law, communications satellites, satellite payloads, earth stations and terminals, in-troduction to satellite navigation systems, optical satellite communications, satellite based computer networks, mobile & multimedia satellite communications, integration of satellite in 5G, applications of Satcom)
Semester 4 (M2): Internship.
5 to 6 month final internship, which will be paid
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Over 40% of students go on to PHD studies. R&D for the manufacturing industry in aeronautics, automotive, semiconductors, communications…
Toulouse is the home of the European aeronautics where AIRBUS and the National Center for Space Study (CNES) are the major employer representing the cutting edge of innovation. Toulouse-INP is located at the heart of the "Aerospace Valley" where a complete network of high tech companies (Thales, Safran, Honeywell, Continental) and research labs (LAAS, LAPLACE, IRIT etc..) are present and will propose internships and jobs.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.