MSc Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Bristol, United Kingdom
1 up to 2 Years
Full time, Part time
25 Jul 2025*
Sep 2025
GBP 32,100 / per year **
* home applicants deadline: 8 August 2025
** overseas full-time tuition
Climate change, and air, water and soil pollution are critical societal problems that will affect most, if not all communities, companies, and countries across the globe over the next 50 years. This programme will train you in cutting-edge environmental analytical chemical techniques that are used to investigate such pollution and guide mitigation and remediation. Additionally, it will equip you with skills in advanced laboratory analysis, statistical and modelling approaches to interrogating and synthesising datasets, and reporting and communicating data. A particular feature of this MSc is the synthesis of data with training in written, oral, and other forms of communication. There will be particular emphasis on the use of such data to develop policy and/or practical recommendations. In the research project, you will be working on current topics drawn from environmental research such as urban air pollution, water quality and sustainable agriculture.
This programme will appeal to a wide range of students with a science and engineering background. Although focused on environmental applications, you will gain a broad training that will facilitate progression to a diversity of future science and engineering-based careers. The need for experts in environmental analysis and remediation is predicted to increase, making graduates of this programme well placed to take up emerging jobs in companies and organisations requiring this type of expertise.
The Organic Geochemistry Unit and the Atmospheric Chemistry Research Group that will run this course are both world-leading in environmental analytical science, being a home to a laboratory of the NERC-funded National Environmental Isotope Facility (NEIF) and a node of the NASA-funded Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE) project. Therefore, the collection of state-of-the-art chromatography and mass spectrometry platforms (including organic and stable isotope ratio mass spectrometers and an 14C accelerator mass spectrometer) combined with world-leading research is unparalleled. In addition, the School of Chemistry at the University of Bristol is home to the only Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in practical Chemistry (Bristol ChemLabS) founded in 2005 and has pioneered teaching of analytical chemistry through virtual instruments and smart worksheets. Therefore, the combination of leading analytical science and education methods makes this course unique.
Postgraduate Online Events
from 25th November 2024- 4th of December 2025
The programme consists of five compulsory units and a project with a dissertation.
The assessments for the units typically consist of multiple-choice tests, reports, presentations and data analysis and synthesis exercises. There will be one open-book examination at the end of these units, before the project starts, with considerable tutor support provided to aid students in their preparation for this exam. The project will last roughly five months and you will be assigned a primary supervisor and a director of projects who will support all students in their progress. The project will align with ongoing environmental chemistry research within the School of Chemistry.
The practical element of the course involves students undertaking practical investigations, each designed to provide hands-on experience with instruments and to develop skills in measurement, data analysis, and presentation. Training will be provided in the formal reporting of the analytical data generated in practicals, with oral presentations to a group of stakeholders for some.
If students require further support with mathematical (quantitative) analysis, there will be a short course in the first term that will provide this support to students.
Unit names
- Practical
- Case Study and Communication
- Core Environmental Analytical Chemistry
- Analytical Data Analysis
- Research Project
- Adv. Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
A hands-on approach, coupled with world-leading virtual instruments provides a comprehensive course that will enable students to pursue further research (for example, a PhD) in analytical science progressing to academic careers. Graduates of this course will be well-prepared for careers in: instrument development in the industrial sector, specialist technical support roles, careers in environmental science (for example, national environment agencies, private consultancies, and environmental advisory services, such as government policy units and think tanks), and non-science-based careers (for example, training and teaching in data analysis).
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.