MSc Green Chemistry and Processes for Biomass (Green CAP)
Toulouse, France
2 Years
Full time
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EUR 9,000 / per year *
* reduction down to 5473 € per year for academic partners, European and selected students
This program is provided by INSA Toulouse and Toulouse INP
Today the chemical industry must adapt to cope with the increasing scarcity of resources, the new regulations, and the social, ecological, and political pressure. In this context, using renewable resources like feedstocks or microbial biomass represents a real interest in preparing functional bioproducts and contributing to energetic transition which constitutes significant levers for innovation. By combining the different disciplines of Green chemistry, Catalysis, (Bio)Processes, and Formulation, this master aims to provide the essential tools to develop clean and safe processes involved in the newly emerging fields of agribusiness.
Aims of the program
- Train engineers able to implement clean technologies in the context of sustainable development to provide solutions in the fields of green chemistry and bioprocesses.
- Master the transformation of renewable resources by catalytic or biotechnological means,
- Develop functional, safe, and innovative bioproducts, according to an eco-design approach.
Research Institutions and Industrial Partners
The Educational staff in charge of the master's are research faculty members. They work in these internationally recognized laboratories in green chemistry, catalysis, green processes, and bioprocesses.
- LCA (Laboratory of Agro-Industrial Chemistry), a joint research center INRA1010, supported by the transfer center: CRITT-CATAR Agroressources,
- LGC (Laboratory of Chemical Engineering), a joint research centre INPT-UPS and INSIS, supported by the transfer centre: CRITT Génie des Procédés et de l’environnement (in French).
- LCC (Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry), a CNRS research unit.
The three laboratories have close relations with the industry, as shown by the publication of many patents, the awards received, and by the affiliation with institutions of excellence (Institut Carnot 3BCAR, Laboratory of Sustainable Energy).
The students can benefit from this partnership network in the framework of their project or the search for an internship.
- Masters of Science are national degrees Accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education
- Further studies: PhD program (3 years)
- All MSc Degree holders are allowable to take a step forward in the academic track to get the PhD degree
- Pre-requisite: Bachelor’s degree
Scholarships and Funding
Toulouse INP offers scholarships through a reduction of fees.
Students can apply to different scholarship programs (governmental scholarships, European student mobility programs, French Eiffel and French embassies’ scholarship programs, and training support programs from private foundations and companies).
Integration of students in the field of process and green chemistry.
The First Semester (M1) is a semester for international masters (SIM) shared with other international masters of INPT-INSA and dedicated to the scientific integration of students. It includes a bibliographic project.
The Second Semester (M1)includes thematic courses combining tutorials, seminars, and a project. It is divided into 4 teaching units (TU).
- TU1 - Sustainable Process
- TU2 - Tools for a Green Chemistry
- TU3 - Polymer Sciences
- TU4 - Langage and Project
The Third Semester (M2) is divided into 6 TU:
- TU1 - Tools in Green chemistry and processes
- TU2 - Bioprocess
- TU3 - Formulation
- TU4 - Conception of Bioproducts
- TU5 - Catalysis for Alternative Energies
- TU6 - Project
The Fourth Semester (M2) is dedicated to the internship (Master thesis) of 5 to 6 months in a company, in a research & development center, or one of the laboratories linked to the master.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
The GreenCAP Master is particularly suited to students wishing to specialize in the valorization of biomass for industrial applications by using clean processes.
Placements and prospects are mainly in the fields of research and development, production, engineering, consultancy, or environmental assessment.
Employment sectors are Energy production chains, Ecotechnologies, Fine Chemistry, Bioproducts of specialties, Cosmetics & health, Agro-industry, and the Environment.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.