MSc in Biological Sciences
Camerino, Italy
2 Years
Full time
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EUR 556 / per year *
* for international students
The second-level degree in Biological Sciences (LM-6 class Biology) aims to train graduates with advanced knowledge and expertise in updated biomolecular and biotechnological methodologies for application in diagnostic, nutritional, and environmental fields. Indeed, students can choose among parallel curricula:
- Molecular Diagnostics and Biotechnology
- Nutrition: Functional and Sustainable Food
Conservation Biology and Environmental Management.
These curricula, in combination with core courses, give students flexibility to tailor their degree to their background, interests, and career goals. In order to support the mobility and the successful integration of students and graduates in an international context, these courses will be presented in English.
The characterization of the course is also enriched by a further curriculum, carried out in Italian and more specifically aimed at preparing for the profession of nutritional biologist, with a particular attention towards sports nutrition:
- Nutrizione per il Benessere e lo Sport.
There are two Semesters, from October to the end of January, and from March to mid-June. The Winter Exam Session is in February. The program of study proposes different curricula focused on achieving a deeper education in specialized areas of Biology or Biotechnology.
Molecular Diagnostics and Biotechnology
Year 1
- Genomics and Proteomics
- High Performance
- Bio-Analytical Methods
- Epigenetics
- Biology of Cancer and Biomolecular
- Therapeutic Agents
- Clinical and Molecular
- Diagnostics
- Rotation Laboratory
- Student choice
Year 2
- Stem Cell Technologies and Animal Models
- Molecular Parasitology
- Molecular Ecology
- Molecular Archeological and Forensic Anthropology
- Microbial Pathogenesis and Biofilms
- Experimental Thesis
- Final Dissertation
Nutrition: Functional and Sustainable Food
Year 1
- Alternative Food & Nutrient Sources
- Applied Nutrition
- Food Quality
- Functional-Sustainable
- Food Technologies
- Microbiota and Nutritional
- Conditions
- Epigenetics
- Pathological Conditions Related to Nutritional Habits
- Sustainable Food Systems
Year 2
- Blood Parameters and Nutritional Conditions
- Endocrine-Metabolic Interplay
- Population Epidemiology through Genome-wide
- Association Studies
- Internship
- Student choice
- Experimental Thesis
- Final Dissertation
Conservation Biology and Environmental Management
Year 1
- Community Ecology
- Applied Statistics
- Biodiversity Assessment
- Monitoring Schemes
- High Performance
- Bio-analytical Methods
- Population Genetics and Animal Ecology
- Principles of Landscape Ecology
- Rotation Laboratory
- Student Choice
Year 2
- Animal Adaptation to Environmental Conditions
- Ecosystem Services
- Plant Population Genetics and Ecology
- Soil Microbiology and Biodiversity
- Experimental Thesis
- Final Dissertation
Nutrizione per il Benesseree lo Sport
Year 1
- Alimenti Funzionali per il Benessere e lo Sport
- Epigenetica & Nutrizione
- Fisiopatologia & Nutrizione
- Metodi Bioanalitici per la Valutazione dello Stato
- Nutrizionale/Metabolico
- Nutrizione Applicata 1: nutrizione per il benessere
- Nutrizione Applicata 2: nutrizione a support dell’attività sportiva
- Nutrizione di Precisione per il Benessere e lo Sport
Year 2
- Basi Etnico-Culturali della Nutrizione
- Ecosistema Microbiota-Stato
- Nutrizionale Organismo
- Endocrinology & Metabolism
- Parametri Biochimico-Clinicie Stato Nutrizionale
- Tirocinio
- A scelta dello Studente
- Tesi
- Dissertazione Tesi
Quality Assurance System
UNICAM Quality Management System Certificate ISO ISO9001:2015 (from AFAQ-France, a French leader and one of the first certification bodies at the global level) guarantees students the quality of services provided.
The guarantee is via a rigorous analysis of internal organizational procedures and the prompt addressing of any weaknesses or shortcomings whether detected or reported by the students themselves.
The Quality Management System includes the following support services for students: orientation and guidance, mentoring,
International mobility, Internships, and communication.
These integrate with and support the educational activities, so as to contribute to the complete training of the student.
Career Opportunities
The goal of the Master course in Biological Sciences is to prepare its graduates to start a career in different areas of Biological Sciences with particular regard to scientific research and diagnostics in biomedical, nutritional, and environmental fields. Graduates will be able to deal with the application of biology and biotechnology, at functional and molecular levels, in industry, in the service sector, and in various areas of public administration. The degree in Biological Sciences, through the specific curricula, properly prepares professional figures, such as the nutritional biologist, who are allowed to formulate personal diets and oversee education programs and nutritional and environmental surveillance programs. All curricula will prepare students to engage in research, lead lab teams, make development and planning decisions, and create and apply research modalities to large projects.
Graduates in Biological Sciences will be adequately prepared for access to third education level (PhD programs or specialization school) in molecular biology and biotechnology all over the world.
Classes will be held face to face in the University halls but it is possible to attend them also in streaming. Practical activities and laboratories will be organized in different modalities that will be communicated at the due time.
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.