MSc in Computer Science
Camerino, Italy
2 Years
Full time
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EUR 556 / per year *
* for international students
Nowadays, Computer Science has applications in almost any human field. The discipline has enlarged its sphere of influence greatly, and specialization is more and more relevant to starting a professional career. For such a reason the MSc in Computer Science active at UNICAM has structured its didactic offer over 5 different curricula trying to satisfy the formative expectations of students and the market. In addition to a set of “up-to-date” curricula, as detailed in the following, the MSc in Computer Science offers many interesting opportunities for students to enlarge their formative perspectives.
First of all, by enrolling in the MSc in Computer Science at UNICAM the student will have the possibility of getting admitted to one of the four Double Degree programs. These study programs permit the student to gain, in addition to the UNICAM degree, a Master's degree awarded by a partner University. Active Double Degree programs are in place with the following Universities:
- Reykjavik University in Iceland;
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland of Olten in Switzerland;
- University of Tirana in Albania.
The Double Degree programs ask the students to spend at least 6 months at the partner university site. Scholarships are provided by UNICAM in order to cover associated expenses.
The degree, being delivered in collaboration with European and international institutions, is completely taught in English. Students at UNICAM are immersed in an international environment with foreign students coming from different countries. CENSIS has repeatedly recognized UNICAM as one of the most international MSc degrees among the Computer Science degrees, in Italy. Students can participate in international exchange programs such as Erasmus+ or/and spend part of their study period abroad for exams and/or thesis. Scholarships of merit, to support mobility, are offered to exchange students through UNICAM funds or, for European locations, through the Erasmus+ Programme.
Students at UNICAM can take advantage of a big and lively community, constituted by more than 750 students enrolled in UNICAM at a Bachelor's or Master's level in Computer Science. For some years now UNICAM, in order to help students in their study activities, has adopted a platform that permits students to access the lessons remotely and to possibly rewatch recorded lessons.
Students who graduated with a Master of Science in Computer Science can access the “Albo Professionale delavirdine degli ingegneri” (National Engineer Register), section A, sector “Information Engineering”. To access the Register, the student must pass a special exam (Esame di Stato), to which UNICAM is an entitled site.
CISCO activities, certified by the Cisco Networking Academy Program, are available as part of the degree program. This is another important opportunity for our students as the Cisco Networking Academy Program is introductory for CISCO Industrial certifications, which are highly spendable in the job market.
According to AlmaLaurea statistics, the employment rate of those who graduated in Computer Science at the University of Camerino is 92,6%.
Business Informatics and Data Science (BIDS)
Nowadays, companies experiment with a continuous push toward the adoption of ICT systems and infrastructures. The introduction of ICT systems has to be carefully considered and planned, to avoid expensive failures. At the same time, the adoption of such systems enables a “Data-Oriented perspective” on the company itself permitting to analysis, starting from collected data, of the organization’s strengths and weaknesses. The curriculum intends to equip the student with knowledge and capabilities in relation to methodologies and tools to govern the digital transformation of a company, and to take advantage of such a transformation.
Year 1
- Complex Systems Design
- Fundamentals of Machine Learning
- Technologies for Big Data
- Management
- Distributed Systems
- Business Process Modeling and Enactment
- Financial Management and Strategy
- Knowledge Engineering and Business
- Intelligence
- Process Mining
Year 2
- Software Project Management
- Blockchain and Distributed Ledger
- Technologies
- Free Choice
- Thesis
Artificial Intelligence and Informatics for Robotics (AIIR)
The world is nowadays witnessing a pervasive introduction of synthetic intelligence in almost all human contexts (e.g manufacturing, agriculture, and health). Particularly interesting and challenging are those contexts in which synthetic intelligence is used to concretely manipulate and have an effect on reality in order to reach specific objectives, as it is the case, for instance, of smart cities and smart manufacturing scenarios. In some cases, the system to engineer will involve the coordination of autonomous agents (e.g. robots). The curriculum intends to equip the student with knowledge and competencies in relation to methodologies and tools to permit the engineering of intelligent systems that could include a physical part.
Year 1
- English Language (B2 or C1 Level)
- Complex Systems Design
- Fundamentals of Machine Learning
- Distributed Calculus and Coordination
- Multiagent Systems Lab
- Distributed Systems
- Knowledge Engineering and Business Intelligence
- Deep Learning and Computer Vision
Year 2
- Autonomous and Collaborative Robotics
- Cyber-Physical Systems Design
- Parallel and Distributed Programming
- Free Choice
- Thesis
Software Development and Technologies (SDT)
Nowadays software systems are more and more pervasive. Methodologies, technologies, and tools to develop such systems are continuously changing and the engineering of complex software systems requires the acquisition of complex competencies in many different aspects of the discipline. The curriculum intends to equip the student with knowledge and competencies on methods and tools for the engineering of Complex Software Systems. A student who graduates with such a curriculum aims to start a career in software development and wants to acquire a clear understanding of the activities composing a development process, as well as the effective techniques available to perform such activities, also considering different application contexts.
Year 1
- Complex Systems Design
- Fundamentals of Machine Learning
- Technologies for Big Data Management
- Distributed Systems
- Business Process Modeling and Enactment
- Fundamentals of Software Testing
- Free Choice
Year 2
- Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
- Cyber-Physical Systems Design
- Software Project Management (DevSecOps)
- Parallel and Distributed Programming
- Thesis
CyberSecurity (CySec)
Nowadays software systems are more and more pervasive. As they become pervasive the risks associated with their usage increase. Society is in urgent need of professionals who are able to evaluate risks and find solutions connected to the introduction of an ICT-based system. The curriculum intends to equip the student with knowledge and competencies on methods and tools for engineering secure software systems, as well as to analyze the risks associated with the usage of ICT systems, so as to derive security assessment for a given software solution, and to possibly plan risk mitigation activities.
Year 1
- English Language (B2 or C1 Level)
- Complex Systems Design
- Static Analysis and Program
- Verification
- Data and Network Security
- Security By Design
- Distributed Systems
- Fundamentals of Software Testing
- Free Choice
Year 2
- Software Project Management
- Cryptography: Theory and Applications
- Parallel and Distributed Programming
- Blockchain and Distributed Ledger
- Technologies
- Thesis
Methodologies and Technologies for Digital Communication (MTDC)
Nowadays the relevance of digital communication is increasing. Channels used to convey any kind of information are changing and in need of continuous innovation. The organization of software systems supporting such digital communication is somehow peculiar and needs “hybrid” competencies. In particular novel paradigms, such as gaming, are more and more relevant in such a context. The curriculum intends to equip the student with knowledge and competencies on methods and tools to conceive and implement effective digital communication technologies with a special focus on digital technologies for the enhancement of cultural heritage.
Year 1
- English Language (B2 or C1 Level)
- Complex Systems Design
- Fundamentals of Machine Learning
- Technologies for Big Data
- Management
- Knowledge Engineering and Business
- Intelligence
- Applied Game Design
- Financial Management and Strategy
- Free Choice
Year 2
- Software Project Management
- Digital Technologies for Cultural
- Heritage
- Technologies for Extended Reality
- Web 3D and Immersive
- Communication
- Thesis
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.