MSc in Human-Computer Interaction
Rovereto, Italy
2 Years
Full time
06 Mar 2025*
Sep 2025
EUR 6,500 / per year **
* for non-EU students resident abroad: from December 19th, 2024 to March 6th, 2025; for EU students and non-EU students with permanent residence in Italy: from February 10th, 2025 to May 30th, 2025
** EU 340€-3400€ (fee range based on personal income and merit); Non-EU: 1000€-6500€ (fee range based on merit only, i.e. score in the application evaluation).
Human-Computer Interaction aims at investigating people and their actions as a starting point for the purposes of technology design. It provides an effective approach to address the many challenges (public engagement, participation, privacy, emotion) currently faced by computer sciences.
The ultimate goal of the Master is to train a new generation of researchers and professionals, who can understand the complexity of human cognition, behavior, and emotion at a micro-meso- and macro-level and are able to embed this knowledge in new computing artifacts and technologies matching the most diverse human values, interests and needs.
About the Master in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
The Master aims at training professional figures and researchers with a wide range of multidisciplinary skills to understand, design, and evaluate new interaction possibilities between human beings and IT devices.
The Master is structured into three specialization areas:
- Social-cognitive area: brain/mind interaction and cognitive ties;
- Computer science area: user-interfaces; user-centered design; participatory design; human-machine interaction; prototyping of interactive systems, affective computing, e-learning;
- Methodological area: qualitative and quantitative methodologies; visual, ethic, and epistemological planning.
Specific learning outcomes are:
- Acquaintance with simulation, observation, and experimental methods in the study of the interaction between human beings and complex systems;
- Ability to plan a user-centered design of user interfaces;
- Theoretical and practical knowledge of communication and decision-making processes;
- Secure knowledge of quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis;
- Capability to analyze decision-making processes, at an individual and collective level, in organizational, economic, and social contexts;
- Capability to autonomously carry out basic and applied research activity.
By virtue of its interdepartmental nature, the course:
- Offers an integrated program that allows students to pursue their own research interests in an interdisciplinary research environment;
- Fosters the development of research skills in areas that several departments are concerned with;
- Provides specialized skills that are not included in traditional degree courses.

Scholarships and Funding
Scholarships and tuition fees for Non-EU Citizens living abroad
Top-scored candidates will be entitled to receive a UniTrento scholarship assigned by the Evaluation Committee based on the application score. Tuition fees are waived for students who receive a UniTrento scholarship.
The amount of tuition fees for Non-EU applicants living abroad is related to the application score obtained during the selection. For more information check the UniTrento scholarships web page.
Scholarships and tuition fees for EU Citizens and Non-EU citizens regularly living in Italy
DSU (Diritto allo Studio Universitario) Scholarships are available for EU citizens and Non-EU citizens living in Italy who meet the ISEE requirements based on family income. Further information is available on our Scholarships page starting from June/July.
Details about tuition fees and ISEE are available on the Opera Universitaria web page.

UniTrento Archive
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.