MSc in Mathematics and Applications
Camerino, Italy
2 Years
Full time
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EUR 556 / per year *
* for international students
The Master in Mathematics and Applications
- Strengthens knowledge of pure mathematics
- Offers three different curricula - one on pure mathematics and mathematics education, a second on applications of mathematics to economics and finance, and a third on applications to technology and engineering
- Gives students the option to acquire valuable work experience through internships in businesses or schools.
This Master’s course benefits from the longstanding and widely appreciated educational expertise of its faculty members, notoriously very friendly with their students, and from a wide range of supporting facilities such as communal study spaces, computer services, libraries, as well as dedicated tutoring services. The research experience of faculty members feeds directly into the curriculum, which includes topics related to, for example, the design of electric and racing cars, applications to earth and sea sciences, economics and finance, health (medical diagnostics), assistive robotics (exoskeletons), and much more.
Three curricula are available: Pure Mathematics, Mathematics for Industrial Engineering, and Mathematics for Analytics and Finance.
The academic year is divided into two semesters, the first from mid-September to the end of January, and the second from early March to mid-June.
The exam periods are the full months of February, June July, and September.
Pure Mathematics
96 ECTS - Mandatory:
- Advanced Algebra and Mathematical Logic (1st year)
- Advanced Geometry (1st year)
- Advanced Mathematical Analysis (1styear)
- Calculus of Variations (1st year)
- Advanced Applied Mathematics (1st year)
- Advanced Probability (1st year)
- Free-choice courses
- Dissertation (see below)
12 ECTS among the following courses:
- Knot Theory (2nd year)
- Educational Mathematics (2nd year)
- History of Mathematics (2nd year)
- Revisiting Calculus (2nd year)
- General Relativity (2nd year)
12 ECTS among the following courses:
- Inverse Problems in Remote Sensing
- Applications (2nd year)
- Quantum Computation (2nd year)
- Theoretical Physics (2nd year)
- Computability and Complexity (2nd year)
- Advanced Mathematical Physics (2nd year)
- Stochastic Processes (2nd year)
- Applied Topology (2nd year)
- Embedded Systems Lab for Industry and Education (2nd year)
Mathematics for Industrial Engineering
102 ECTS - mandatory:
- Advanced Algebra (1st year)
- Advanced Geometry I (1st year)
- Advanced Mathematical Analysis (1styear)
- Advanced Applied Mathematics (1st year)
- Advanced Probability and Stochastic
- Process (1st year)
- Systems Analysis and Control Theory (1 year)
- Embedded Systems Lab for Industry and Education (1st year)
- Free-choice courses
- Dissertation (see below)
6 ECTS among the following courses:
- Machine Learning (2nd year)
- Advanced Mathematical Physics (2nd year)
6 ECTS among the following courses:
- Knot Theory (2nd year)
- Inverse Problems in Remote Sensing
- Applications (2nd year)
- Calculus of Variations (2nd year)
6 ECTS among the following courses:
- General Relativity (2nd year)
- Advanced Mechanical Design (2nd year)
- Advanced Geometry II (2nd year)
- Computational Graphics and Data
- Visualization (2nd year)
- Nonlinear Control Theory (2nd year)
- Dynamic and Stochastic Optimization in Finance and Economics (2nd year)
- Advanced Statistics (2nd year)
- Fundamentals of Materials Science (2nd year)
- Polymer Chemistry and Applications (2nd year) 6
- Courses in blue are interdisciplinary and in collaboration with other departments
*Courses in blue are interdisciplinary and in collaboration with other departments
Mathematics for Analytics and Finance
102 ECTS - mandatory:
- Advanced Algebra (1st year)
- Advanced Topology (1st year)
- Advanced Mathematical Analysis (1st year)
- Advanced Applied Mathematics (1st year)
- Advanced Probability and Stochastic
- Processes (1st year)
- Machine Learning (2nd year)
- Computational Methods for Finance (1st year)
- Dynamic and Stochastic Optimization in Finance and Economics (2nd year)
- Free-choice courses 12
- Dissertation (see below)
18 ECTS among the following courses:
- Advanced Statistics (1st year)
- Embedded Systems Lab for Industry and Education (1st year)
- Calculus of Variations (1st year) 6
- Computational Graphics and Data Visualization (1st year)
- Nonlinear Control Theory (1st year)
- Parallel and Distributed Programming (1st year)
- Financial Management and Strategy (1 year)
- Blockchain and Distributed Ledger
- Technologies (1st year)
*Courses in blue are interdisciplinary and in collaboration with other departments
Optional courses
Free choice credits can include
Additional courses in mathematics
Courses in physics, computer science, and other subjects
Language courses (advanced English or other languages)
Seminars on mathematics and its applications (in Italian)
Higher-level apprenticeships (see below).
Students with an undergraduate degree in a subject other than mathematics are advised to use the free-choice ECTS to acquire the necessary background in mathematics. Moreover, they are warmly invited to contact the Course Coordinator to discuss available options.
High Apprenticeship
This is a one-year, on-the-job training program. To this end, students may use the ECTS reserved for
- Optional courses, or
- The final dissertation.
Knowledge of the Italian language is strongly recommended.
All students are required to submit a final dissertation, written under the supervision of a faculty member. Students must discuss potential dissertation topics with their chosen advisor well in advance of their
Quality Assurance System UNICAM
The Quality Management System Certificate ISO 9001:2015 (from AFAQ-France, a French company that is one of the first and most important certification bodies at the global level) guarantees the quality of services provided as part of the course. This certificate is obtained through a rigorous analysis of our internal organizational procedures by AFAQ France. In this way, any weaknesses or shortcomings are promptly addressed, whether detected by staff or reported by the students themselves. The Quality Management System includes the following support services for students: advice and guidance, mentoring, international mobility, internships, and communication. These services complement educational activities in an ideal way so as to ensure that students develop a broad range of academic and professional skills. expected graduation date.
Career Opportunities
Italian-speaking students interested in teaching may consider a school internship.
Students interested in a career in industry (for example involving the development and application of mathematical models for finance, commerce, or industry), or in the civil service.
Students interested in academic research are advised to consider the PhD programs of the UNICAM International School of Advanced Studies.
Lectures are held face-to-face on campus. Remote attendance may be made available through the UNICAM streaming platform, depending on university policy.
The format of laboratory activities may vary - relevant details are made available as necessary. All teaching is in English.
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.