MSc in Mathematics
Trento, Italy
2 Years
Full time
06 Mar 2025*
Sep 2025
EUR 4,500 / per year **
* For non-EU citizens residing abroad March 6th, 2025 | For EU citizens and non-EU citizens residing in Italy rolling admission from June to November 2025
** EU 340€-3400€ (fee range based on personal income and merit); Non-EU: 1000€-4500€ (fee range based on merit only, i.e. score in the application evaluation).
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Trento aims to train professional mathematicians to pursue the study of scientific and technological problems by mathematical methods and to undertake research in various branches of the subject.
The Department covers all main fields of Modern Mathematics, from Algebra to Geometry, Analysis, Probability and Statistics, Mathematical Physics, and Numerical Analysis, and has earned an outstanding reputation for excellence in the application of fields such as Biomedicine (for example, modeling of the cardiovascular system), Biomathematics (for example, vaccination strategies against pandemics), and Data Security (for example, error-correcting codes used in critical applications such as in train signaling).
The Master’s degree program in Mathematics provides students with advanced knowledge and understanding of the main theoretical and applied concepts through four taught modules: Advanced Mathematics, Teaching and Scientific Communication, Mathematics for Life Sciences, Coding Theory, and Cryptography.
Program Overview
The Master's Degree in Mathematics aims to form scientists and professionals having a deep knowledge of the theoretical principles that are the base of mathematical sciences. In addition, the program offers a variety of study plans regarding various applications of mathematics. The course is divided into four curricula:
- Advanced Mathematics is generally for students who want to continue their studies at the doctorate level, as it includes a large spectrum of areas of Mathematics. It proposes 3 tracks:
- General Advanced Mathematics;
- Advanced Algebra and Geometry;
- Calculus of Variations, Partial Differential Equations, and Dynamical Systems.
- General Advanced Mathematics;
- Advanced Algebra and Geometry;
- Calculus of Variations, Partial Differential Equations, and Dynamical Systems.
- The curriculum on Teaching and Scientific Communication prepares students, on one hand, for school teaching and, on the other, to work in the field of Scientific dissemination which is becoming increasingly important due to science museums and shows.
- Mathematics and Statistics for Life and Social Sciences offers 4 tracks:
- Mathematics for Data Science is especially geared towards students who wish to work in the Data Analysis departments;
- Modeling, Statistics, and Analysis of Biosystems studies the models used to investigate various complex biological systems. Among others, models of epidemic spread are studied;
- Modeling and Simulation for Biomedical Applications yields competencies in mathematics, numerical computation, physics, and physiology, applicable to a range of disciplines in medicine, the pharmaceutical industry, sanitary services;
- Modeling, Statistics, and Analysis in Mathematical Finance aims to prepare students with modern education in probabilistic, statistical, and computational methods.
- Mathematics for Data Science is especially geared towards students who wish to work in the Data Analysis departments;
- Modeling, Statistics, and Analysis of Biosystems studies the models used to investigate various complex biological systems. Among others, models of epidemic spread are studied;
- Modeling and Simulation for Biomedical Applications yields competencies in mathematics, numerical computation, physics, and physiology, applicable to a range of disciplines in medicine, the pharmaceutical industry, sanitary services;
- Modeling, Statistics, and Analysis in Mathematical Finance aims to prepare students with modern education in probabilistic, statistical, and computational methods.
- Cryptography introduces the theoretical and practical aspects of modern cryptography and Error Correction Codes. It shows how important methods adopted in mobile phones, smart cards, browsers, or decoders are constructed starting from very refined algebraic and geometric theoretical instruments. It proposes two particular study plans: stage-oriented and research-oriented.

The Master’s degree program in Mathematics consists of 120 ECTS–credits for a two-year program. Students will undertake demanding full-time learning activities: attendance at lectures, laboratory sessions, and additional training sessions is strongly recommended. All courses are taught in English.
Depending on the taught module, students are required to select a certain number of credits from the list of core course units and from the list of related course units following the specific regulations outlined in the prospectus (Manifesto degli studi). Students can choose elective course units to complete the Master’s degree program in Mathematics from any other degree programs but those courses will be subjected to approval by the Teaching Committee of the Department of Mathematics.
Students may choose to develop a final thesis supervised by a member of the faculty or to undertake an internship and produce a thesis based on their experience.
Credits required to complete the Master’s degree program in Mathematics: 120 ECTS
Notes: according to the Sorbonne (1988) and the Bologna (1999) declarations university-level study programs in the European Higher Education Area are structured in university credits (ECTS). One university credit corresponds to 25 hours of student workload, time for personal preparation included. The annual average workload for a full-time student is conventionally fixed at 60 credits.

Efrem Bertini
Program Outcome
The Master Degree in Mathematics aims to form scientists and professionals that master a deep knowledge of the theoretical principles that are the base of mathematical sciences, as well as specific competencies relative to other fields.
Among the common learning objectives for all the specializations:
- The ability to work with a high degree of autonomy, including taking responsibility for large-scale plans and structures;
- The expansion of the scientific method, inductive method of logical-deductive reasoning and methods tied to experimentation;
- The knowledge of the foundations of pure mathematics, and the knowledge of at least another discipline and the knowledge of relevant mathematical applications to it.

Roberto Bernardinatti
Scholarships and Funding
Scholarships for non-EU Citizens living abroad
Top-scored candidates will be entitled to receive a UniTrento scholarship assigned by the Evaluation Committee based on the application score. Tuition fees are waived for students who receive a UniTrento scholarship.
The amount of tuition fees for Non-EU applicants living abroad is related to the application score obtained during the selection. For more information check the UniTrento scholarships web page.
Scholarships for EU Citizens and Non-EU citizens regularly living in Italy
DSU (Diritto allo Studio Universitario) Scholarships are available for EU citizens and Non-EU citizens living in Italy who meet the ISEE requirements based on the family income. Further information is available on Scholarships starting from June/July.
Details about tuition fees and ISEE are available on the Opera Universitaria web page.

UniTrento Archive
Career Opportunities
The graduates of Bachelor&rsquo's degree in Mathematics will be able, by properly choosing the optional curriculum and activities, to carry out professional activities:
- In companies and industry
- In laboratories and research centers
- In the field of scientific culture dissemination
- In the field of services
- In Public Administration
With a variety of areas of interest, like computer science, financial, engineering, medicine, communication, scientific, academic, and in general in all cases where flexible thinking, computational, and computer science competencies, a good familiarity with the management, analysis, and treatment of numerical data are useful.
In particular, the graduates can carry out the activities of an expert in application technicians and statistical technicians. The specificity of their mathematical education allows them to easily acquire the competencies needed for the professions of statistical Mathematicians and most of the professions in Information Technologies, as classified by ISTAT.
The course prepares for the professions of:
- Mathematicians, statistics, and related professions
- Information Technologies technicians
- Applications expert technicians
- Statistical technicians

UniTrento Archive
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.