MSc in Physics
Camerino, Italy
2 Years
Full time
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EUR 556 / per year *
* for international students
Physics is a fundamental science, which aims to discover the laws underlying natural phenomena that manifest themselves on all scales of length and time, from the cosmos to elementary particles. Characteristic of physics is the method of investigation based on a dialectical relationship between theory and experiment. In addition to preparing for scientific research - in universities or research institutions - the study of physics provides solid theoretical and experimental foundations, combined with analysis, modeling, and problem-solving skills. This type of training responds perfectly to the increased demand for flexibility and learning ability throughout one's working life. According to Andreas Schleicher, head of the Indicators and Analysis Division of the OECD, '...education systems must prepare for jobs that have not yet been created, for technologies that have not yet been invented, for problems that we do not yet know will arise.' From this perspective, a physics graduate represents the ideal candidate to carry out professional activities with high technological and innovative content. Studying physics means being at the frontier of knowledge, becoming part of an international community that shares projects, exchanges ideas, and discoveries, travels, works, and teaches all over the world. It is also for this reason that all courses are taught in English.
Study Plan
For the LM study plan, 5 training courses are proposed (to be chosen at the time of enrolment):
- Astroparticle & nuclear physics
- Condensed matter & nanoscience
- Materials, energy & environment
- Quantum technologies
- Theoretical physics & complex systems
- Advanced electromagnetism
- Advanced physics laboratory
- Machine learning
- Solid state physics
- Theoretical Physics
Suggested courses for a given path
- Advanced nuclear physics
- Astro & particle physics
- Cosmology
- Laboratory of astroparticle
- Quantum field theory
- Advanced spectroscopy
- Condensed matter theory
- Experimental nanoscience
- Physics of nanotechnologies
- Statistical mechanics
- Experimental material science
- Fundamental of material sciences
- Physics of nanotechnologies
- Surface and chemical physics
- Synthesis of functional materials
- Atomic physics
- Physics of nanotechnologies
- Quantum computation
- Quantum optics
- Statistical mechanics
- Advanced probability and stochastic processes
- Biological physics
- Quantum field theory
- Quantum information
- Statistical mechanics
Free courses
- Artificial intelligence laboratory
- General relativit
- Quantum information
- Statistical mechanics
- Quantum field theory
- Quantum optics
- Surface and chemical physics
- Synthesis of functional materials
- Advanced spectroscopy
- Energy production & storage
- Environmental Remediation
- Statistical mechanics
- Artificial intelligence laboratory
- Experimental nanoscience
- Quantum information
- Biological physics
- Advanced mathematical physics
- Artificial intelligence laboratory
- Dynamic & stochastic optimization
- Quantum computation
Students can spend up to 6 months (outside the Erasmus programme) in other foreign centers or universities to carry out internships and/or theses.
Students can propose their own personalized study plan which must however be approved
Students enrolled in the LM at UNICAM can attend up to a maximum of 4 LM courses in physics at the State University of Milan included in the UNICAM enrollment fee
The Quantum Information and Quantum Computation courses will take place in alternate years.
After the Master's Degree
According to the XXII AlmaLaurea Report (www.almalaurea.it) on the employment status of the graduates of the 75 universities belonging to the consortium, one year after obtaining the master's degree, 31.3% of the master's graduates in physics works, around 56.2% complete their training through a further university course (master's degree, research doctorate, ...), while around 10% carry out or have carried out an internship in a company. The first entry into the job market occurs in less than 4 months from obtaining the master's degree. Broadening the time horizon, three years after graduation the employment rate, according to the ISTAT definition of the workforce, is almost 92.4%.
More than 71% of physics graduates work in the private sector, 27.7% in the public sector, and just 0.8% in the nonprofit sector. Physicists find employment for 21.3% in industry (electronics, metalworking, precision mechanics, ...) and for 78.7% in the tertiary sector and services (education and research, IT, credit, ... ). Furthermore, 91.8% of those interviewed recognize the effectiveness of the master's degree for carrying out their work. The degree of satisfaction with the work performed stands at 7.7, on a scale of 1 to 10.
Career Opportunities
Stage Placement
Job Placement, the connection between the university world and the world of work, represents one of UNICAM's priorities, organizing moments of meeting and dialogue with professional and corporate figures.
From this perspective, the internship/internship represents an important training tool that allows students, undergraduates, or recent graduates to practice in a real working context; it constitutes an opportunity for direct knowledge of the world of work and the possibility of acquiring, in some cases, a specific professionalism.
The University of Camerino has agreements with more than 8,000 companies, institutions, administrations, and professional firms, in which students, undergraduates, recent graduates, and PhD students can carry out internship activities.
This opportunity can be spent both in Italy and abroad.
Offered Services
- Activation of curricular and extracurricular internships and internships at companies/institutions in Italy and abroad.
- ANPAL Servizi (National Agency for Active Labor Policies) University Career Service development project.
- Almalaurea UNICAM has been a member of the AlmaLaurea University consortium since 2005 to offer a service that makes CVs available online to encourage meetings between companies, universities, and graduates. We recommend taking advantage of this very important opportunity to broaden the visibility of your skills in the circuit of Alma Laurea partner companies both in Italy and in Europe.
- Scholarships for Erasmus Traineeship graduates and other programs to carry out internship activities abroad.
- Part-time student collaborations in UNICAM: student collaborations in the context of activities aimed at serving students in the various structures of the university and connected to it (ERDIS).
- Career Service to bridge the gap between training and the world of work, enhancing human resources and providing a substantial contribution to students in relation to career management skills and improving employability.
- Internship and Internship Platform is the web system for managing the administrative procedures of curricular internships and training internships. Through the platform, it is possible to request an internship and manage ongoing documentation.
- Placement Platform is the University portal that allows you to find out about all the opportunities for entering the world of work.
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.