MSc Satellite Communication Systems: From Engineering to End-to-End Systems (SATCOM Systems)
Toulouse, France
2 Years
Full time
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EUR 9,000 / per year *
* reduction down to 5473 € per year for academic partners, European and selected students
This program is provided by INSA Toulouse and Toulouse INP
For more than fifty years, satellite systems have demonstrated their excellence in collecting and distributing data in a vast coverage area for the benefit of thousands of users. Within the global telecommunications industry, space communications display one of the most profitable businesses in permanent evolution. Companies of the sector, both system and service providers, are constantly looking for junior executives offering expertise matching the specifics of satellite communications.
The SATCOM Systems program is tailored to provide students with a necessary and up-to-date high level of expertise required for the jobs of today and tomorrow involving satellite communications.
Aims of the program
The SATCOM Systems program aims to train autonomous graduates in the field of satellite telecommunications. The level of expertise acquired in electronics, digital communications, networks, and systems allows them to quickly access positions of responsibility in this field and more generally in the field of telecommunications.
The program is built upon the following foundations:
- A global approach to system design and analysis by taking into account the environments, the limitations and constraints, the interfaces, and the expected performances,
- An expertise in the disciplines contributing to the design of these systems: electronics, digital communications, networking, etc.
- Simulation tools and field techniques,
- Development of applications for the space and embedded-system domains.
Research Institutions and Industrial Partners
Toulouse being the French capital of Space, the Master's program benefits from a unique research and professional environment. It also profits from the strong connections with the aerospace and defense industries developed by faculty members of ENSEEIHT.
The Master's program is supported by major actors in the field of satellite communications (Airbus Defense and Space, Thales Alenia Space, CNES, SES, EUTELSAT, INMARSAT). The teaching staff is composed of faculty members who are part of major French research laboratories and experts in the satellite industry.
- Holders of a Master’s degree can directly enter the second year under conditions.
Scholarships and Funding
Scholarship = reduction down to 5473 €/year
- For academic partners, European
- For selected students on a merit basis
- For students coming from the N+i network
First Year (60 ECTS credits)
- Semester 1: Integration semester (in collaboration with ENAC Toulouse): Basics of Electronics, Electromagnetism, Signal and Digital Communications
- Semester 2: Core semester: Advanced Electronics, RF electronics, Optics, Telecommunication systems
Second Year (60 ECTS credits)
- Semester 1: Specialization Semester
- Advanced Telecommunication Techniques (Network & telecommunication protocols, Digital filter banks, Spread spectrum techniques, Digital communications receivers and SDR technology, Modern coding)
- Space Techniques and Applications (satellite communications systems & markets, regulation & space law, communications satellites, satellite payloads, earth stations, and terminals, introduction to satellite navigation systems, optical satellite communications, satellite-based computer networks, mobile & multimedia satellite communications, integration of satellite in 5G, applications of Satcom)
- Semester 2: 5 to 6-month final internship, which will be paid
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
The main sector of activity is Satellite Telecommunications, but graduates can integrate into the entire field of telecommunications.
Graduates are mainly hired by the major European players in the field of satellite telecommunications (system and service providers):
- Industrials (Thales Alenia Space, Airbus Defense, and Space, etc.)
- Agencies (CNES, DLR, ESA, etc.)
Large companies in the field of telecommunications in general such as Thales and Orange for example are also employers. Graduates are also recruited by SMEs such as CLS, Silicom, Sigfox, etc.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.