Niigata University
We are approaching the end of the first quarter of the 21st century. During this time, conflicts and natural disasters symbolized by the terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001 and the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 have continued to occur. Now we are facing the enormous challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has thrown our society into turmoil. On the other hand, there are great expectations for rapidly advancing science and technology as a driving force for the development of a sustainable society. Accordingly, in the course of social reform, a major review of the mission of universities has come to be required. Niigata University aims to be needed and to continue shining even more in the turbulent society of the 21st century. To that end, we will always think about what we can do as a national university in Japan, take action, and contribute to fostering individuals of the next generation and to the development of science as well as to society based on predictions of the future. This Niigata University Vision 2030 returns to the basics of Niigata University and shows various stakeholders what the future of Niigata University should be. In this vision, we regard the year 2030 as the immediate future, as it is the deadline for the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Setting "Becoming a front-runner of future life innovation" as the mission that Niigata University is to accomplish toward the society of the future, we will gather the knowledge of Niigata University as a comprehensive university in order to enrich human activities on the earth. On the basis of this view, we have formulated visions of what Niigata University should be in the future of 2030 and establish the path toward these visions as our goal.
We are approaching the end of the first quarter of the 21st century. During this time, conflicts and natural disasters symbolized by the terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001 and the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 have continued to occur. Now we are facing the enormous challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has thrown our society into turmoil. On the other hand, there are great expectations for rapidly advancing science and technology as a driving force for the development of a sustainable society. Accordingly, in the course of social reform, a major review of the mission of universities has come to be required.
Niigata University aims to be needed and to continue shining even more in the turbulent society of the 21st century. To that end, we will always think about what we can do as a national university in Japan, take action, and contribute to fostering individuals of the next generation and to the development of science as well as to society based on predictions of the future.
This Niigata University Vision 2030 returns to the basics of Niigata University and shows various stakeholders what the future of Niigata University should be. In this vision, we regard the year 2030 as the immediate future, as it is the deadline for the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Setting "Becoming a front-runner of future life innovation" as the mission that Niigata University is to accomplish toward the society of the future, we will gather the knowledge of Niigata University as a comprehensive university in order to enrich human activities on the earth. On the basis of this view, we have formulated visions of what Niigata University should be in the future of 2030 and establish the path toward these visions as our goal.
- Niigata
Niigata, Japan