Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
Die Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg ist eine bildungswissenschaftliche Hochschule universitären Profils mit Promotions- und Habilitationsrecht. Sie betreibt bildungswissenschaftliche Grundlagenforschung.
Forschung, Lehre und Nachwuchsförderung sind an der Hochschule eng miteinander verschränkt, denn Lehren und Lernen ist sowohl Kern der Hochschullehre als auch primäres Forschungsinteresse. Als besondere Entwicklung der letzten Jahre muss die intensive Vernetzung und interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit in bildungswissenschaftlichen Forschungsverbünden innerhalb der Hochschule, am Standort Freiburg (School of Education-FACE) sowie national und international angesehen werden.
Was lernt man?
An der PH lernen Studenten und Studentinnen:
- Wie man Kinder und Jugendlich an Schulen unterrichtet
- Wie man dazu an der Hochschule forscht und lernt
- Wie man mit Kindern und Jugendlichen arbeitet
In 5 steps to studying at PH Freiburg
- Find information about the desired course of study
- Collect documents
- Apply online
- Keep an eye on the application portal and emails.
- Enrollment
People from the European Union
Foreign EU nationals, ie citizens of a member state of the European Union without a German Abitur, are treated equally to German university applicants in terms of admissions. You take part in the selection process, ie the foreign Abitur average grade is converted into the German grading and converted into selection points. If necessary, please include evidence of your practical activities with your application to improve your chances of admission.
People from non-EU countries
People from a non-EU country with a foreign secondary qualification do not participate in the selection process. The Freiburg University of Education has an admission quota of 8% of study places available for this group of applicants.
Visa Requirements
Students from the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan can enter with a tourist visa. You will then take care of the residence permit here on-site. Please note that you should not enter Germany via Switzerland.
As a student (and for a stay of 4 weeks or more) you must register as a resident at the Citizens Service Center. You do this after your arrival. We will help you with this step during the introductory week.
1. Documents for the bailiff service centre:
- ID card/passport
- Accommodation confirmation (this is issued by the landlord. In the case of students who live in the dormitory, the student union sends us the confirmation)
- Visa (for students who require a visa upon entry)
2. Documents for the immigration authorities:
All students from non-EU or EEA countries require a residence permit. This also affects students from Switzerland.
Students who already have a visa must submit the following documents to the immigration authorities (these documents must also be submitted by Swiss citizens):
- Registration confirmation from the Citizen Service Center
- Proof of German health insurance
- Student ID card
- Proof of sufficient financial resources (if not already proven when the visa was issued)
- Valid passport
- Money for the residence permit fee (please find out the exact amount in advance and don't forget to ask for a student discount. In Freiburg the fee is between 50 - 100 euros).
Students entering without a visa or with a tourism visa (students from the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan) must present the following to the immigration office:
- Passport and passport photo
- Signed statement from parents regarding financial support
- Proof of income from parents
- Proof of health insurance
- Copy of the apartment contract
- Letter of admission or certificate of enrollment
- 50 euros in cash
Campus Life & Facilities
Arrive in everyday study life
Enrolled at the Freiburg University of Education? This doesn't just mean studying. Life around campus is colourful and diverse. There are numerous opportunities and offers to make contacts, get involved, and get to know the university and the city of Freiburg.
Here you will find a small overview:
- 360° virtual tours
- Littenweiler cafeteria
- Student Union
- Written student body
- Radio PH 88.4
- Prevention program eCHECKUP TO GO - Alcohol
- General university sports
- Student initiatives
- Catholic university community
- Evangelical student community
- City of Freiburg
- Freiburger Verkehrs AG
- Social media
- Student jobs at schools