Pasig Catholic College
The Catholic School, the right arm of the church in the evangelization of God’s people, is charged with the duty of developing a Christian who not only knows the dogmas and doctrines of his Church but also makes them his way of life. It builds and strengthens his sense of duty and purpose, a sense of personal, civic, and moral responsibility.
The Catholic School, the right arm of the church in the evangelization of God’s people, is charged with the duty of developing a Christian who not only knows the dogmas and doctrines of his Church but also makes them his way of life. It builds and strengthens his sense of duty and purpose, a sense of personal, civic, and moral responsibility. It demands that charity and justice must permeate all his activities, thus leads him to realize that he is serving the Heavenly Father through his fellowmen. It brings him up to see life in terms of service to God and society. Therefore, the final test of the success or failure of a Catholic School in educating the students is the degree to which it has developed a human concern for another human. Catholic Education hinges around the basic Christian message: LOVE GOD, LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR.
In the Catholic School System, the aims and objectives are enhanced and ennobled by the CATHOLIC PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE, which recognizes both the eternal destiny and earthly existence of every human being. In keeping with this philosophy of life, Pasig Catholic College derives its basic reason for being from its total commitment to the development of an authentic, Christian Filipino, equipped with strong moral and socio-cultural values, adequate in practical knowledge, and capable of meeting the challenges of life.
- Pasig
Pasig, Philippines